QCSWC - Songwriting 1-on-1

QCSWC - Songwriting 1-on-1

QCSWC is excited about offering these classes! Are you ready to record your next track but need help brushing up on your lyrics?

By S.Love Music



Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

After reserving your course, please make sure to send all pertinent material (mp3, wav, draft lyrics, etc… so that the session can go as smooth as possible) via email to: songwriterscircleqc@gmail.com

You should receive a confirmation email asking you to send in any material that would better help us understand where you are and how to better assist with your project and other details, please look out for that and respond as necessary!

We are here to help! With the completion of each song written with us, we are happy to provide you with official lyric sheets (if song is written majority by you) after your song is recorded and will walk you through understanding your royalty split sheet and copyright protocol.

We wish to take no songwriting credit unless you explicitly need a songwriter. These sessions are here to help you become a better independent songwriter and to help mold you in your craft. If you need a songwriter those services are available as well please contact us for further details:

IG: @qcsongwriterscircle

Email: songwriterscircleqc@gmail.com

Phone: 980-495-3041

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