Python: Introduction to NumPy

Python: Introduction to NumPy

Virtual introductory NumPy workshop

By Northwestern IT Research Computing & Data Services

Date and time

Wednesday, December 14, 2022 · 2 - 3pm PST



About this event

**The Zoom link will be sent to the registered email before the workshop - usually the day before.

This workshop will cover the basics of the Python numerical computing package NumPy. It will explain the NumPy array, the principal data type in the NumPy package, and how it differs from similar structures like lists. You will learn how to work with matrices and multidimensional arrays, different ways of creating, indexing and slicing arrays, and how to optimize your code using core NumPy features such as vectorization and broadcasting.

Prerequisites: Basic Python knowledge at the level of the Python Fundamentals bootcamp.

The workshop will be recorded; you must be registered to receive the recording link.


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