Pursuing the narrow way

Pursuing the narrow way

Looking for answers? I'm too. No one in the realm of humanity will have all the answers but let's find time to listen, understand, and seek

By Christian G.

Select date and time

Tuesday, June 18 · 4 - 5:30pm PDT



About this event

    We're all in a journey, and it's just so special to understand we are here. There are many stories out there, it will be special to come together and listen to part of our stories as we seek together the very One who claimed to be the Truth. Let us come together, share and pursue more of the narrow way!

    Frequently asked questions

    Who would start Google Meet?

    I'll be starting the session and sharing details with those who register.

    What if I can't make it for the first session?

    You can still join if you happen to find this event after the actual start - anyone is welcome anytime!

    My English is not that good?

    Don't worry about it, don't even say that about yourself! Just come and join, no one has the perfect use of any language so just come, join and be part of the event.

    I'm curious to know what's this about?

    Don't think too much about it, just join and check it out for yourself. It will be nice to see you connected so we can share more about this pursuit of the narrow way!

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