Providing For The Providers: Healing Your Lineage and Cacao Ceremony

This event has been created to pour into those who provide for everyone first, themselves last; parents, healthcare professionals and more!

By Dr. Jamal, Tucson Chiropractor & Life Mentor

Date and time

Saturday, June 8 · 2 - 5:30pm MST


Bodywork @ Onyx LLC

2951 North Swan Road Tucson, AZ 85712

Refund Policy

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2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Welcoming, networking and Dr.J’s intro to the provider’s pillars!

This time is to welcome everyone in and get them acquainted with the material with Dr. J

2:45 PM - 4:15 PM

Healing Your Lineage with Abuela Vicky

Abuela Vicky will be taking us through her powerful process in recognizing patterns passed down through our lineage, where it is stored in the body and how to begin to work through them.

4:15 PM - 5:30 PM

Refreshments, networking and Cacao ceremony with Marie

This will be a time to refresh, stretch and dive back in as Marie brings us together for her potent and delicious cacao ceremony

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Closing with Dr. J

Closing remarks from Dr. J for the day and sending everyone off with awareness of the Provider’s Pillars and what they can work on

About this event

  • 3 hours 30 minutes

Providing For The Providers: How Taking Care of Self IS Taking Care of Other, The Journey from Exhausted to Present & Powerful Providers

Why do this workshop?

There is a community of loved ones, patients and staff that are directly impacted by your energy and quality of life. Think about this, if the sun destroyed itself, how would that impact the rest of the solar system?

Let this be a somewhat intense analogy for your life applied to the love, the energy, the PRESENCE , in how you impact your own environment that is your family, community and most importantly, YOURSELF and health.

If your light is dim, it WILL or already is impacting your patients, your loved ones, and those that you nourish with your energy, service, and presence.

Exciting update! This edition I'll be collaborating with my great friends Marie and Abuela Vicky!

Marie will be serving ceremonial cacao and guiding us through a gratitude and reflection activation. Often times as a provider we stuff the intense emotions and stress in an effort to remain "composed" while taking care of others. She will be leading this portion of the workshop to allow us to connect, nourish the heart and welcome some much needed recogntion.

Abuela Vicky will be leading a portion on healing your legacy through being able to identify the different patterns, and beliefs that we're passed down to us. She is the creative director of Centro Zalzican in Hermosillo, where she offers different types of holisitic tools like reiki, sweat lodges and other workshops.

This workshop is for you if you’re the provider at work or in your family and…

…you’re tired of being tired no matter how long you lay in bed

… you want to learn how to create energetic boundaries for YOU and be able to say no

….are starting to resent your work, co-workers, patients or loved ones at home

….want to make an impact at your job & at home while feeling aligned with soul

You’ll walk away from this workshop with:

Clarity on what is most important for YOU to thrive and keeping your cup FULL

Tools on how to come back to center before you enter work, during work and afterwards

More energy

Insights on better boundaries for self and how to self-advocate

A strengthened trust with your intuition, what is true to you, and what to do with it

This workshop is NOT for providers who:

Are not teachable, open or willing (don’t even bother, lol.)

Who think they know all the answers

Who are in their profession simply for the money

Don’t want to see how they are a part of something bigger than themselves at home and at work

Things you need:

BYOCC - Bring your own comfy chair or yoga mat! This is going to be a comfy environment

Water bottle/beverage of choice

A sexy ass journal

Your favorite pen to take some fire notes!

Open heart, open mind

Frequently asked questions

I'm not a "provider", can I come?

YEAH, pull up. Lol. If you're a healthcare professional, parent, teacher or CEO you'll benefit the most. But this is a human workshop ultimately

Organized by

Early bird discount
$15 – $50