Proposal Writing 1 Day Workshop in Adelaide  on Jun  20th, 2024

Proposal Writing 1 Day Workshop in Adelaide on Jun 20th, 2024

Offers: Group of 5 - 10 people 10% Discount, Group of 11 - 20 people 15% Discount

By Mangates

Date and time

Thursday, June 20 · 9am - 5pm ACST


For venue details reach us at, PH: +1 469 666 9332

Adelaide Adelaide, SA Australia

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Module One: Understanding Proposals

● What is a Proposal? ● The Proposal Writing Process ● Types of Proposals ● About Requests for Proposals

Module Two: Beginning the Proposal Writing Process

● Identifying Your Purpose and Your Audience ● Performing a Needs Analysis ● Writing the Goal Statement

Module Three: Preparing an Outline

● A General Format ● Special Sections ● Creating a Framework ● Getting Down to Details

Module Four: Finding Facts

● Identifying Resources ● Using the Internet as a Resource ● Organizing Your Information

Module Five: Writing Skills (I)

● Spelling and Grammar ● Working with Words ● Constructing Sentences ● Persuasive Writing ● Mastering Voice

Module Six: Writing Skills (II)

● Creating Paragraphs ● Creating Strong Transitions ● Building to Conclusions

Module Seven: Writing the Proposal

● Educating the Evaluator ● Ghosting the Competition ● Using Illustrations

Module Eight: Checking for Readability

● Checking for Clarity ● Reading for Your Audience ● Using the Readability Index

Module Nine: Proofreading and Editing

● Proofreading Like a Pro ● Editing Techniques ● Checking the Facts ● The Power of Peer Review

Module Ten: Adding the Final Touches

● Our Top Typesetting Tips ● Achieving a Professional Look and Feel ● Creating the Final Package

Module Eleven: Wrapping Up

● Words from the Wise ● Review of Parking Lot ● Lessons Learned ● Completion of Action Plans and Evaluations

About this event

    Certificate: Course Completion Certificate

    Language: English

    Duration: 1 Day

    Credits: 8

    Refreshments: Snacks, Beverages and Lunch included in a classroom session

    Course Delivery: Classroom

    Course Overview:

    A good proposal doesn’t just outline what product or service you would like to create or deliver. It does so in such a way that the reader feels it is the only logical choice. You will explore the proposal writing process including the most common types of proposals.

    The Proposal Writing workshop will take you through each step of the proposal writing process, from understanding why you are writing a proposal; to gathering information; to writing and proofreading; to creating the final, professional product.

    Target Audience:

    Anybody who is interested in learning Proposal Writing Skills.

    Learning Objectives:

    • Writing winning proposals effectively and efficiently.
    • Develop proposals with a higher chance of winning.
    • Learn how to differentiate your proposals from the competition.
    • Best practices, templates, guides, and tips and tricks.
    • Proposal strategy, planning, authoring, and improving.
    • Thinking like a proposal evaluator, funder, buyer, or investor.
    • Learning to win business via grants and contracts.



    Course Materials:

    Attendees will receive a course manual with presentation slides and reference materials.

    Technical Requirements:

    For eBooks:

    Internet for downloading the eBook

    Laptop, tablet, Smartphone, eReader (No Kindle)

    Adobe DRM-supported software (e.g. Digital Editions, Bluefire Reader)

    eBook download and activation instructions

    We also offer a variety of other courses:-

    Public Speaking Training: According to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up in front of a crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people. Through this workshop your participants will become more confident and relaxed in front of an audience which will translate into a successful speaking event.

    Leading Effective Teams training:- based on leading teams, will help anyone that leads a team or is involved in a leadership role. It is also useful for those that are about to embark on a position of leadership or need to develop their leadership skills.

    Course Contents:

    Having an effective team around you is crucial. However, it is an area that is often left to chance, which can lead to de-motivated individuals that do not feel part of the business and consequently do not perform.

    This Leading Effective Teams training looks at what it takes to lead an effective team and how you can get the best out of the people in it by understanding the role of a leader, both personally and from the point of view of the team.

    Train the Trainer Training: Whether you are preparing to be a professional trainer, or you are someone who does a bit of training as a part of their job, you always want to be prepared. Your participants will understand that training is a process where skills, knowledge, and attitudes are applied in a unique way.

    Presentation Skills Training: In a survey carried out amongst experienced, middle and senior executives, designed to determine the things that they feared most, public speaking came out as number one. Death was eighth on the list! So, most of us would rather die than stand up and present.

    Practical Sales Skills Training: These practical sales skills training has been developed for salespeople or people who are required to sell as part of their role. This course is applicable for both people relatively new to sales as well as those who have a lot of experience as the content is flexible enough to adapt to suit the audience.

    Conflict Management Training: Disagreements, differences of opinion and conflicting perspectives on key issues inevitably arise in any context where people are working together.

    Research has shown that workplace conflicts can become highly destructive. Negative emotions may be stirred up, poisoning team morale, creating stress and destroying relationships.

    Power Query and Power Pivot for Excel Training: Power BI (including Power Query & Power Pivot) are the biggest Excel news items in the last 10 years. They give Excel users the power to draw information out of multiple sources, link it together then perform calculations on it that can then be sliced & diced any way you want.

    Essential Management Skills Training: Every day, managers solve difficult problems, turn organisations around, and achieve astonishing performance. To be successful, every organisation needs good managers.

    Manager Management Training: With this course, you will be able to provide the skills, guidance, and empowerment to your team of managers. They will then be better suited in leading and motivating their team and thus produce fantastic results. To be a successful manager means having a wide range of skills. Through this workshop, you will be able to disperse your knowledge and experience throughout your leadership team.

    Sales Presentation Mastery Training: Sales are the absolute most essential component of any business, and selling skills are the most highly valued skills in today’s business landscape. The world's fastest growing and most successful businesses have one thing in common: they have effective sales people that drive their business forward.

    Frequently asked questions

    What Does Mangates provide me on the day of the course?

    We provide Course Materials, Lunch, Beverages and Course Completion Certificate.

    If I cancel my Enrollment, how can I claim my Refund?

    You can request a refund by sending an email to and within 7-14 working days you get your money back.

    How do I enroll in a course?

    You can reach us at or enroll through our website.

    Is the course available online or in-person?

    We host the training through both the platform, Online and Classroom. The virtual training option can be chosen by busy professionals.

    What is the duration of the course?

    The duration of the training is 8 hours. The training will run from 9 AM to 5 PM. The duration of the training is 16 hours. The training will run from 9 AM to 5 PM.

    Do you provide group discount?

    Yes, we do provide great discount for the group registration. To enquire, reach us at

    Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training?

    Once you complete the training, you will receive a globally recognized Course Completion Certificate.

    Can I switch my registration to different course if required?

    Yes. You can switch your registration to a different course with a week prior notice.

    Are your instructors are qualified and certified?

    Our subject matter experts are from relevant industries and are certified.

    How many credits will I be eligible for?

    You will be credited with 8 PDUs on completion of this training. You will be credited with 16 PDUs on completion of this training.

    Organized by

    Mangates Tech Solutions is one of the Leading Education Industry, We Developed a more advanced, applied level of Training programs. We Designed High Quality Training programs and you can expect the same learning Experience, this made us stand out above the competition.

    Sales Ended