Pinterest Your Podcast

Podcaster's, learn how to grow your viewership, attract sponsors and connect with brand partnership.

By Paula Marie



About this event

Calling ALL PODCASTERS Present & Future

Did you know the Pinterest is the perfect way to grow Podcasts, Livestreams and YouTube Channels?

Would you like to learn the 5 ways to begin your presence on Pinterest and attract your ideal listener, connect with sponsors, secure brand deals and more!

Register Here

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Paula Marie is a Multi-Faceted Entrepreneur 1st, Pinterest Strategist 2nd, and a Business Coach into Infinity.

She has always created businesses based on her passions. All while moving up the ranks professionally as a Manager and Coordinator for Commercial, Corporate and Government entities. For the past 20 years, Paula Marie has hired and managed thousands on her team. Creating programs that require dedicated marketing and strategic mapping that generates revenue.

Paula Marie aka EbonyBizDiva, understands when it comes to the frustration, anxiety and rewards of owning your your business and brand, she's been there. Her strengths are listening to a clients goals and struggles and mapping out clear, concise actionable items that will add systems and strategies to generate revenue, eliminate stress and create a greater work ~ life balance.

She marries her Theater background with her expertise as a Fitness Professional and wraps it up in her love of Travel, to give innovative ways to train her clients in an exciting package that delivers results.