Part 2: Job search, Company matching, Employer contacts, Apply, Referrals

Part 2: Job search, Company matching, Employer contacts, Apply, Referrals

Get matched with companies, employer contacts, applying through a contact network. Most jobs go via network contacts and recommendations.

By English Jobs Sweden



Ostermalm Stockholm 11523 Stockholm Sweden

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event

About this event

Meeting format

All meetings are 1 hour, in person or over Google Meet.

These workshops have been created in partnership with Recruiters, Job Agencies and Swedish Companies and the contents are designed specially for international job seekers to enter the Swedish job market.

Workshop 2 - Job search, employer contacts and introductions

Most jobs in Sweden are primarily filled by candidates introduced to the employer by contacts or job agencies. It helps to be verified and have trusted references so that your application has more credibility.

This is your chance to work directly with a recruiter, get help with introductions and employers contacts, search for jobs using specific databases, manage interviews, salary negotiations and work permits.

What you will learn:

1. Learn how the recruitment season works and the right time to send applications depending on industry type, company type and job role

2. Learn how the recruitment process and employer decision process works in Sweden

3. Learn how to identify industries in Sweden that match your skill profile, background and experience

4. Learn how to identify companies that match your experience and career goals

5. Learn which job roles and job titles you should focus your job search on

6. Learn which industry specific job databases to use and how to search and filter results

7. Learn which industry specific business networks to join for networking

8. Learn how to find opportunities at companies such as Spotify, Truecaller, Klarna that are rapidly expanding into international markets

9. Learn how to search for hidden jobs not advertised

10. Learn how to present your competencies and transferable skills

11. Learn how to research jobs and employers before you apply

12. Learn which decision makers to connect with at companies and agencies and how to use referrals

13. Learn how to follow up with employers on application decisions and interview requests

14. Learn what questions to expect in the job interview and what employers look for

15. Learn what you can expect in salary and benefits and how to negotiate your pay

Organized by specialises in recruiting international talent for Swedish companies. Since 2009 we have helped over 2000 professionals connect with traditional companies such as Ericsson, Skanska, ABB, Volvo and SAAB as well Swedish startups such as Spotify, TrueCaller, Klarna and Skype.