Parent and Family Strategies for a Successful IEP

Parent and Family Strategies for a Successful IEP

IEP Meeting Skills for Families: Communicate Effectively, Build Relationships and Achieve Agreement


Date and time

Friday, March 15 · 9am - 2pm PDT


WSGV SELPA (new) Office Location

11204 Asher Street El Monte, CA 91731

About this event

Dr. Sheri Wilkins, President of Innovative Educational Solutions

This Skill Building Workshop aims to support parents and families in improving outcomes for their students. The COVID-19 pandemic changed the landscape of education, and healthy productive partnerships in education are crucial to the success of our students. This workshop is designed to assist West San Gabriel Valley SELPA parents and families to build and maintain those educational partnerships. Opportunities for additional coaching* are also available for participants. Please note that there are two options to attend this in-person workshop: April 29th is during the school day and April 30th is on a Saturday. The same content will be shared on both days.

Training Workshop Outcomes:

  • Master specific strategies for building and maintaining trust with district/school personnel
  • Learn techniques for diffusing conflict and pursuing agreement
  • Understand IEP process and prepare for an IEP meeting
  • Understand and practice communication skills that lead to more effective IEP meetings
  • Know how to express desired outcomes and share information to increase clarity and understanding

Intended Audience: Parents, Family members, Legal Guardians, Surrogate Parents

An important message:

To support the health and safety of our staff and attendees, WSGV SELPA continues to follow COVID-19 guidance from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. Per current recommendations, we ask that all attendees self-assess for COVID-19 symptoms before entering the building. Please do not enter if you have tested positive or shown any COVID-19 symptoms or if you have been exposed to anyone who tested positive or had symptoms of COVID-19 within the past 14 days . Please also bring and wear a face mask when not eating or drinking. Gloves and hand sanitizer will be available for use at our facility.

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