Open Studios & Holiday Party

Open Studios & Holiday Party

Join Erin Derby Photography and fellow creatives for the first annual Open Studio & Holiday Party in her new art studio in Dumbo.

By Erin Derby Photography

Date and time

Saturday, December 16, 2023 · 5 - 7pm EST


32 Bridge Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA

32 Bridge Street Floor 2 Brooklyn, NY 11201

About this event

Open Studios & Holiday Party

Join us, Erin Derby Photography and With Love - Curated Vintage Homeware, as we kick off the first ever Open Studios at the 32 Bridge Street Studios in Dumbo! Check out our new art spaces, mingle with fellow art enthusiasts, collectors, and creatives, and finish your evening strolling through one of the best neighborhoods in Brooklyn. Enjoy light snacks and drinks, and cheers to new adventures!


Erin Derby Photography

With Love - Curated Vintage Homeware





Frequently asked questions

Do I need to RSVP?

Since there is limited space, RSVP-ing is necessary and appreciated.

What if I have food allergies?

Please let me know!

Can I bring guests?

Yes! The more the merrier. Message me if there are no more spots and we'll figure it out!

What if I can only drop by for a minute?


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