[ONLINE]  EE Business Networking @Lunch (free!)

[ONLINE] EE Business Networking @Lunch (free!)

Connect with other business professionals over lunch - build relationships and become referable through "VCP"!

By Exceptional Entrepreneurs

Select date and time


Exceptional Entrepreneurs (Online Event via Zoom link)

10401 Venice Blvd #106 Los Angeles, CA 90034

About this event

Why go it alone? It only takes one person to change our lives personally or professionally. Who will you meet at today's meeting that will change yours?? The culture at "EE" is about connecting and building relationships with other generous, high-caliber professionals. Nearly every meeting has a different mix of attendees, including some you've never met before.

Exceptional Entrepreneurs is now one of the largest business networking organizations in the Western USA - and one of the best values in business networking. At EE:

  • There is no membership required.
  • There is no attendance requirement.
  • There is no business profession or category exclusivity.

ALL business professions are welcome to attend!

Virtual Meeting Agenda (Pacific Time):

  • 11:30am - 12:00pm; Login, check a/v, networking breakout rooms open. Please arrive early for check-in!!
  • 12:00pm - 1:00pm; Structured agenda, with introductions + more! Please note: we "close the doors" (for security reasons), and live-stream this portion of the meeting.

We end at 1:00pm sharp.

Interested in being the featured speaker for this event? Information and registration is at:

Info to join the EE virtual networking meeting:

(the shortlink above will remain updated with the current Zoom link)

Passcode: 7772021


The meetings (including chat) will be recorded to the cloud and made available - temporarily - afterwards. Link to these will be in the FB live-stream comments following the meeting.

Exceptional Entrepreneurs was founded in November, 2008 by David & Gina Demangos. Since then, "EE" has become one of the USA's largest business networking organizations, due to the Demangos' vision and leadership to provide "exceptional" opportunities for connecting local professionals. David Demangos is an eXp real estate agent based in San Diego, CA. For more information on David, please see Awesome San Diego Real Estate at:


"Effective networking is a learned skill. Exceptional Entrepreneurs are highly trusted professionals who share ideas and know that in order to receive you must first be willing to give." - David Demangos

Thank you for your continuing support of "EE". See you at the next event!!

Organized by
