NYC Suicide Council General Monthly Meetings

NYC Suicide Council General Monthly Meetings

Join us in this collaborative effort to address, understand, educate and be empowered to meet the needs of people in crisis, despair, grief

By "SISFI" Scudder Intervention Services Foundation, Inc.



About this event

Welcome to the NYC Suicide Council general monthly meetings where we come together to look at the challenges of life that disrupts our happiness, peace of mind and state of wellness that causes mental health challenges like addiction, anxiety, depression, emotional pain, grief, loneliness, loss, PTSD, trauma and suicide ideations. If you are a human/health services provider, crisis responder, grief counselor, caregiver, mental health professional, social worker, guidance counselor, clergy leader, educator or law enforcement that works with people who are abused, substance abusers, struggling, homeless, unemployed, suicidal or suffered loss from suicide or violence please join us.

We meet every 1st Monday.

Practitioners and Providers of services for suicidality are especially invited to meet share their work and help with increasing cases. Mental health is a broad topic and we’re focusing more on anxiety, depression, grief, loneliness and suicide specialties. We look forward to having you with us to learn, be empowered with knowledge, resources and tools, and be heard.