Nuclear Security as an EA Cause Area

Nuclear Security as an EA Cause Area

A virtual panel discussion followed by a Q&A session to increase the understanding of nuclear risks within the EA community

By Effective Altruism DC

Date and time

Monday, December 5, 2022 · 4 - 5pm PST



About this event

-> Join the event using this Zoom link

The session will focus on why nuclear security is becoming a higher priority – and discuss underlying impact, neglectedness, and tractability issues. If recent events in Ukraine have made you wonder about EA’s possible contributions to preventing nuclear war, this is the event for you!

This will be a unique opportunity to elevate your understanding of nuclear risk reduction with the help of a bench of renowned and established nuclear experts. No prior knowledge of the cause area is needed, and everyone should come away with the ability to better compare nuclear security to other EA cause areas.

Our Distinguished Panelists:

  • Joan Rohlfing (Nuclear Threat Initiative, President)
  • Christine Parthemore (Council on Strategic Risks, CEO)
  • James Acton (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Co-Director of the Nuclear Policy Program)
  • Matt Korda (Federation of American Scientists, Senior Research Associate and Project Manager of the Nuclear Information Project)

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