Northeast Ohio Alliance Meeting  - Bridging the Divide

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Northeast Ohio Alliance Meeting - Bridging the Divide

Join us for our 1st Alliance meeting for the new Northeast Ohio Alliance.

By Braver Angels

Date and time

Thursday, March 10, 2022 · 4 - 5:30pm PST



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About this event


The Northeast Ohio (NEO) Braver Angels Alliance has been established to build relationships and skills to help us bridge the divide among ourselves and in our communities. The four co-chairs for the NEO Alliance - Bill Shaul, Dan Messina, Kelly Kimball, Larry Noel - are pleased to invite you to attend the Alliance’s 1st meeting. Our goal is to bring members together to inform, excite and engage.

In June 2021, we came together as co-chair roles to form this new Alliance with a balance for two reds and two blues. Over six months, we developed relationships and practiced our Braver Angels skills as we developed a vision for this Alliance.

A Core Team of Braver Angels members joined us on this journey to help form the structure for our Alliance. We all attended Braver Angels workshops together and discussed what we learned while practicing these important skills. Our Core Team is also a balance of red, blue and purple.

The NEO Alliance serves the greater Cleveland and Akron communities. Since Braver Angels seeks to depolarize American politics, our work as an Alliance is rooted in grassroots involvement.

Join us on Thursday, March 10th to learn more about your Alliance.

Welcome Meeting Agenda:

a. Co-Chairs Welcome

b. Introductions

c. What is the NE Alliance Group & Core Team

d. Vision for the Alliance

e. Where we go from here

When you register, you will receive your Zoom link to join us online for this special welcome time together.

For questions, please let us know:


This is a free event brought to you by Braver Angels as part of our mission to depolarize America. Braver Angels is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. We invite you to consider a gift to Braver Angels; all donations are tax deductible. Your support will allow us to offer more workshops and debates with the ultimate goal of uniting America.

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