New Moon ◐ Wild Sovereignty Sacred Circle

New Moon ◐ Wild Sovereignty Sacred Circle

ONLINE EVENT!! The Wild Ones sacred community circle. Stand in your sovereignty to create something totally wild this Moon cycle

By The Wild Ones

Date and time

Wednesday, May 8 · 8 - 9:30pm EDT



6231 Penn Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15206

About this event

  • 1 hour 30 minutes

“Like an arrow being pulled back in a bow, you are about to be unleashed upon the world” -Chani Nicholas

Every New Moon we have the opportunity to begin again.

It’s YOUR chance to set off in a new direction, a thrilling adventure.

What are you ready to release? What are you ready to unleash?

Start fresh with The Wild Ones sacred community circle. Stand in your sovereignty to create something totally wild this Moon cycle.

For the first time EVER - we are opening up our monthly New Moon Circle for you to be held in community like never before.

Choose POWERFULLY what you want to amplify what you are ready to let go.

Create a vibration that aligns with our wildest desires.

Together we’ll see with our eyes wide open what we have been missing all along.

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By the end of this event, you will…

Immerse in a powerful re-balancing of energies of your sacred feminine and inner masculine in a sacred union

Set your inspired intentions - your Sankalpa - Sink deeply into your purest intentions and clearest calling

Clear and alchemize the shadow, subconscious drives, and egoic desires.

And most of all . . .

Reflect, share, and connect in a safe space. Witness the expanded energy field of a community that supercharges your personal magic.

The energy of this container…

This Taurus New Moon ❍ will give you the strength and discipline to hold your most aligned visions and commit to your dreams and fulfill your deepest purpose.

Gain clarity around this season of your life, the lessons carrying you forward + EVERYTHING you leave in the past.

Step into this vibrant new every by releasing the dated stories and the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back.

To step into this new energy, we must release the past, the dated stories, and the beliefs that have been holding us back.

Meet your Guide

Jenner Linden a World-renowned Intuitive Business Coach and Creatrix of The Wild Ones, an online community where over 60,000 free spirits, heart-centered seekers, and transformational leaders are magnetizing the life they want to live.

A weaver of ancient wisdom with cutting-edge techniques for growth to embody real life-changing results.

Jenner will help you reconnect to your personal power and spiritual alignment to transform your life, business, and the world.

"Thank you for letting me learn exactly what I need right now, you are a gift…" - Ariel

"Reestablishing my new identity was empowering. It helped me clear fear I had accumulated with it. Loved the meditation! I want more of that, for sure." -Christy

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About us:

Love The Wild Ones? A membership portal + sacred community for the spiritually curious to deepen, expand & transform ⋑ Secret workshops ⋑ energy readings ⋑ potent rituals. Featuring trusted experts to fall wildly in love with your life. LEARN MORE →

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The Wild Ones is a sacred membership for heart-centered seekers + leaders to transform. ✨ We combine ancient wisdom with modern neuroscience to support your △ wild self-expression, ❍ transformation, and ✧ sovereignty. Offering secret workshops, energetic resets, and potent rituals, from trusted experts around the world.

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