NEW Cacao +  Sonic Medicine Sound Healing Ceremony

NEW Cacao + Sonic Medicine Sound Healing Ceremony

Sacred Cacao + Sound Healing Ceremony: Crystal + Tibetan bowls and other instruments to open your heart & bring deep body/spirit healing.

By Living Wisdom

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Living Wisdom

123 Register First Dr. Calistoga, CA 94515

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.


5:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Arrive, orient, & get nested

5:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Cacao offering

6:00 PM - 6:50 PM

Sonic Medicine: Sound Healing

6:50 PM - 7:00 PM

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About this event

    Gather with like-hearted spiritually led folks for this nourishing, heart-opening sacred ceremony.

    Ceremonial Cacao opens and heals the heart and nourishes the spirit.

    Sound Healing activates powerful healing at the cellular level.

    Together, they awaken and elevate your body, mind, and soul.

    This is an intimate gathering that includes . . .

    • Guided Meditation
    • Restorative Energy Healing
    • Gentle Movement
    • Safe + Sacred Social Connection

    Sparkling, Spiritual Superstar!

    A small Cacao + Sound Healing ceremony (10 attendees) like the ones we offer often require a financial contribution between $33 - 108.

    We welcome all who come in a good way regardless of ability to pay, and for those of you who feel moved by and want to be a part of this offering for the healing of our community, you are gratefully welcome to offer tax deductible donations of any size :: HERE :: or via PayPal:

    You can also become a contributing member through Patreon, and receive valuable guided meditations, sound healing recordings, rituals, and special offerings not offered anywhere else. You can join for as little as $13 :: HERE ::

    Out of respect for your facilitators, fellow journeyers, this medicine and the container, PLEASE read EVERYTHING here for the benefit of all. We know it's a lot, but this ceremony can be life changing and so coming prepared is essential for yourself and others in attendance.


    Please let us know if you cannot make it. We put mindful attention into preparing for you, so it is very helpful to know if you cannot attend. Also, these gatherings are limited and it is helpful to make space for those who would like to attend.

    Preparation and Integration are important pieces we want to offer you so that you can feel confident and ready, coming into the ceremony, and so that you can weave the openings, shifts, and healing into your life afterward. We are available for deeper integration work and you can talk with us about getting more in-depth support by scheduling some time using this link:


    Please do not attend ceremony if you are experiencing or have experienced any symptoms related to flu, cold, or anything that may be contagious, or if you may have come into contact with anyone experiencing these symptoms.


    Feel free to arrive as early as 4:45pm to get settled in and ready to begin by 5pm. We typically complete by 7pm.


    Please make sure you are early or on time, and if you find you are running late, plan on skipping this time and join us at a future event.


    Please send us a message letting us know you've read the information here, understand, and agree to participate in a supportive way.


    For your comfort, please bring the following items:

    * Floor seats (backjacks), meditation cushions, extra pillows, and blankets for personal seating and temperature comfort

    * Journal & Pen

    * Socks/slippers - we ask you to remove your shoes in our space.

    PLEASE TEXT AMANDA if you have any questions: 415-717-2963

    The day before ceremony, this is the best way to contact us with any questions or last minute updates. Amanda does not typically check email the day of ceremony.


    The Medicine we are working with is Cacao (ceremonial chocolate). You are NOT REQUIRED to ingest any sacraments. You can receive profound healing by simply making a prayer with the Hochoka (community) and asking for help from the powerful allies who are present to assist you on your path.

    This medicine is not hallucinogenic. It is very heart opening, expansive, and grounding.


    It can be helpful to eat a simple diet and eliminate things like alcohol, recreational substances, caffeine, processed sugar, dairy, and red meat.

    If you are taking medications, it is wise to consult with your physician to find out if there are any concerns. There are no general contraindications for Cacao except that it does act as an MAO inhibitor. Amanda and her assistants cannot advise you on your medications, whether you can mix them, whether you are okay in suspending a prescribed medication for ceremony, or offer any sort of counsel about what you should or shouldn’t put into your system. Please make sure you are making an informed and empowered decision for your participation in this ceremony.

    It is also helpful to give yourself some time and space from TV, social media and screen time in general before and after our time together in ceremony. Creating openings and spaciousness in your calendar and other areas for the new reality you are praying for can make shifts out of old patterns more gentle and easy.


    PLAN ON TAKING YOUR SHOES OFF - we have some socks for you to wear while you’re here, & you can bring slippers if you like :-)

    * Focus in on your intention. What is your prayer? It’s okay if you don’t feel completely clear – that clarity will come with the support of the Medicine & ceremony, but tuning into it beforehand is helpful.

    * Eat a clean diet. Cut out altering substances, processed foods, sugar, and even dairy and red meat if possible. Exposing yourself to uplifting media, music and other elements will help you too.

    * Create time in your calendar immediately after (and even a few weeks out) for you to be restful and able to create new practices and perspectives.

    * Keep a journal of your questions, intentions, fears and “ah-ha”s and bring it with you to ceremony and continue to add to it afterward.

    * Show up to ceremony resourced - well rested, hydrated and fed, on time (or even a bit early), and ready to be in the unknown, open and available for the healing you are asking for.

    * Please make sure to get contact info for people you connect with so you can keep the relationships going. Because of our own energetic needs, we will need to wrap up promptly at 9pm.


    In our community we teach complete personal responsibility. What we offer is only available to those who come in a good way. You are attending a Sacred Ceremony in a Sacred place. It is a mandatory requirement that you comport yourself accordingly at all times.


    This is a safe and sacred space for all people. We are here to help all who come in a good way to feel welcome. We ask that you come with an open mind and heart to meet from the heart and your prayers. All feelings are valid, all people and their experiences are held as valuable. PLEASE let us know if there is anything we can do to help you to feel more welcome and safe in our space. We welcome your helpful reflections so that we can continue to bring our diverse community together to learn, heal, and grow together.


    These ceremonies include burning incense, and using plant derived floral waters, essential oils, and other healing modalities that can be a challenge for sensitive people. We are happy to open windows and doors to clear out the space, however, it is standard practice to include these healing modalities in ceremony. Please make a good decision for yourself to prepare for exposure to these elements.

    Your Hosts:

    Amanda Elo'Esh, MA has provided sacred ceremonies for over 20 years, including sacred psychedelics & sound healing. She received her master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, Expressive Arts Therapy from California Institute of Integral Studies, is an international speaker, & has been initiated into Mayan shamanism, Shipibo shamanism, & Native American medicine ceremonies. She’s studied with world class teachers, healers, and wisdom keepers, including Martin Prechtel, Don Jose Campos, George Gray Eagle, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Fania Davis, Tata Erick, and Ariel Spilsbury. She's founder & president of Living Wisdom, a dogma-free community providing safe & sacred spaces for our diverse community to learn, heal & grow together.

    Frequently asked questions

    What is Cacao?

    Cacao is ceremonial chocolate that is grown, harvested, processed, and prepared in a sacred way. It is incredibly healing and is particularly helpful for opening the heart and nurturing heartache.

    Is Cacao a psychedelic?

    No. We have had folks who have experienced profound healing, states of ecstasy, and even visions and psychedelic-like effects from our powerful offerings, especially with the help of our sound healing. But it won't show up in your system, and you'll be able to drive home afterwards without issue.

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