Navigating food trends alongside Allergy: sustainable diets Webinar

Navigating food trends alongside Allergy: sustainable diets Webinar

Navigating food trends alongside Allergy: sustainable diets Webinar


Date and time

Starts on Monday, May 20 · 9am PDT



About this event

BSACI will be holding a webinar on Monday 20th May, from 5 - 6pm, titled 'Navigating food trends alongside Allergy: sustainable diets' hosted by the Food Allergy Specialist Group of the BDA (British Dietetic Association).

- What are sustainable diets
- What are UPFs and how do they fit into a sustainable diet and in particular for patients with food allergy
- Safety of vegan foods in allergy patients
- Pearls and pitfalls of a sustainable diet in allergy
- Case studies
Presenter: Paula Hallam, Dietitian

The webinar will be recorded and available to watch via our website shortly after the event.

BSACI would like to thank Viatris and Thermo Fisher for supporting our webinar and grand round programme.

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