NAMI Delaware Connection Recovery Support Group Online

NAMI Delaware Connection Recovery Support Group Online

NAMI Connection is a free, peer-led support group for any adult who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition.

By NAMI Delaware



About this event

NAMI Delaware Virtual Connection Recovery Support Group is meant as an online substitute to our in-person Connection Recovery Support Group meetings to allow individuals with a mental health condition the chance to connect and feel supported.

Our Virtual Connection Recovery Support Group meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Adjustments will be made for national holidays.

This support group will be facilitated by trained NAMI Delaware volunteers with lived experience and structured as closely to the original model of NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group as possible via Zoom. It is open to all participants who identify as a peer and are over the age of 18.

Participants may participate by using a phone or web connection. If connecting online, participants may show or hide their webcam. They may choose to mute their line and use headphones to listen only, and they may choose to respond silently by typing into the chat feature if they prefer.

This opportunity relies on mutual trust. NAMI Delaware will not record the meeting and expects all participants to adhere to a no recording policy as well.

Finally, while the confidentiality of all participants is a priority, due to the nature of an online platform and the concern for every person's safety, NAMI Delaware reserves the right to follow up with any participants who may need crisis support. NAMI Delaware will only access the contact information of participants in the event that crisis response is required.

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