NAACP Legal Education Series: "What the Fuzz?"

NAACP Legal Education Series: "What the Fuzz?"

Equip yourself with knowledge and engage in crucial discussions led by expert speakers from NAACP Las Vegas Branch Legal Redress team.

By NAACP Las Vegas Branch #1111

Select date and time

Thursday, August 22 · 6 - 7pm PDT


817 N St

817 N Street Las Vegas, NV 89106


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

02/29: "Bluebird on my Shoulder, Getting Pulled Over”: Traffic Stops

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

03/28: “Six in the Morning Police at my Door”: Warrants & Searches

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

05/23: “Out on Bail, Fresh Out of Jail”: Jail & Bail

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

06/27: “Murder Was the Case That They Gave Me”: The Criminal Court System

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

08/22: “Locked Up and They Won’t Let Me Out”: Crimes and Time

6:00 PM - 7:00 PM

10/17: “Ain’t No Such Thing as a Halfway Crook”: Records Sealing & Restoration

About this event

The NAACP Las Vegas Branch #1111 introduces the 2024 Legal Education Series - "What the Fuzz?" - a comprehensive six-session dive into the most pressing issues surrounding civil rights, interactions with law enforcement, and the complexities of the criminal justice system.

Join us on this groundbreaking journey as we unravel the intricacies of the law. Our lineup of expert speakers will provide invaluable insights and lead critical discussions on a variety of important topics.

Don't miss out on this compelling opportunity to arm yourself with the tools required to stand up against injustice and fight for a more equitable society. The time to act is now. We hope that you can join us in all 6 series. Don't forget to tell a friend.

Frequently asked questions

Are the workshops free?

Yes. The 6-part series are free to the public. We just ask that you register due to limited seating.

Organized by

Our events range from community outreach programs, educational workshops, voter registration drives, and empowerment seminars to gala celebrations that honor trailblazers in the civil rights movement. Every event is crafted with the aim of fostering inclusivity, raising awareness, and driving change in our communities.

Join us in our commitment to justice and equality. Your participation in our events supports a legacy of activism and a brighter future where the promise of equal rights is fully realized for all.
