Muslim Humanitarianism and the Displaced Symposium

Muslim Humanitarianism and the Displaced Symposium

Join us at the "Muslim Humanitarianism and the Displaced" Symposium, where the domestic and international perspectives will be shared.


Date and time

August 2, 2021 · 8:30am - August 6, 2021 · 10am PDT



About this event

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According to the United Nations and independent research organizations, there are currently over 70 million displaced persons in the world. Moreover, every two seconds one person is forced to flee their home as a result of conflict or persecution. The purpose of this symposium is to spark candid conversations on the problem of displacement in global and domestic contexts in light of the fact that a significant portion of those in need come from Muslim countries or communities. Given the cultural and geographic proximity of the Muslim NGO sector to these communities, what role are they playing in solving domestic and international displacement? What unique perspectives, resources, and solutions can Muslim NGOs provide that are either being overlooked or not amplified? During this week-long learning event, hear from practitioners, academics, and experts on how the Muslim humanitarian sector is uniquely positioned to help manage one of humanity's most challenging problems.

5 - Day Symposium , Daily session | 11:30 AM EST - 1:00 PM EST

Monday: Strategic Narrative and the Information

Tuesday: Housing Insecurity, Shelter, and Homelessness: A shared global challenge

Wednesday: Muslim Approaches to Education and Childhood Development

Thursday: Muslim Solutions to Global Food Insecurity

Friday: Mental Health and the Challenge of Humanitarianism: a Neglected Crisis

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