Mocktail Networking Reception

Mocktail Networking Reception

You are invited to our annual “Mocktails” networking event, which will occur on Monday, November 13th in Hostetter Chapel.

By Messiah University

Date and time

Monday, November 13, 2023 · 6 - 8pm EST


Hostetter Chapel

One University Ave Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

About this event

Dear Messiah Alumni,

During this popular annual event, you will be able to help students learn the art of networking as you mingle with other Messiah University Alumni. "Mocktails" features networking education for our students, followed by a networking reception with local alumni and employers. This reception gives students a safe space to directly apply and practice their networking skills with alumni and friends of the college just like you.

This event cannot be done without your help! We invite you to take part in this evening as an attendee. No preparation is needed. We do ask that alumni guests come with business cards, a willingness to share their experience, and a dose of patience as our students practice and learn. Business casual dress is welcome.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Alumni and Parent Relations Office

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