Men's Grief Lodge

Men's Grief Lodge

A gathering of brotherhood to release grief and rage; to offer praise and gratitude; and to seed the change and healing we need.

By Jordan Lyon

Date and time

Friday, March 22 · 4 - 10pm PDT


Sacred Groves

9255 Holly Farm Lane Northeast Bainbridge Island, WA 98110

About this event

We welcome you men.

We welcome you to a gathering of brotherhood to release, remember, and reroot into our deepest truths.

We welcome all of you, all your wholeness—your dark and your light.

We welcome your grief, rage, and pain; alongside your gratitude, praise, and joy. We welcome your softness and your strength—your tenderness, fears, and shames, alongside your dreams, hopes, and gifts.

We celebrate you in all that you do and all the ways you support those around you. And, we honor you for just being—for having your needs, for feeling your feelings, for embracing your desires—for loving, caring, and being human in all your ways.

More than ever, our families and communities, our land and all its life, our ancestors and descendents, need us. They need us to heal and show up—to rise as heart-centered, embodied, and integrated men in presence with what is here now, in care and devotion to what this world is needing.

In that deep yearning, for what brotherhood can be and do, we invite you to the healing grounds of Sacred Groves for this month's Men’s Grief Lodge.

While this gathering is directly inspired by a grief ritual created by Joanna Macy, we also honor the lineages and wisdom of so many others who have influenced our personal and communal grief work—Malidoma and Sobonfu Somé, Francis Weller, Martín Prechtel, Bayo Akomolafe, and of course our dearest elders in community—Laurence Cole, Thérèse Charvet, Tere Carranza, and many more.

This Men's Grief Lodge will begin in circle at 4:30pm and end around 10pm "spirit time". Dinner will be provided and if anyone wants to stay the night, we will have space available (there are some beds available but please bring a sleeping pad if you have one).

While this offering will never be only available to those with abundant financial means, we do ask those brothers who are feeling they have the capacity, to flow a suggested donation between ($20-$60) to cover the cost of food, firewood, energy, and general upkeep on the land and community spaces. Thank you!

Whether you can join us or not, thank you for honoring yourself and showing up in all the ways you do. And if you are feeling this call, we hope you can join us. Thank you!

— Jordan and V

*Jordan and V view this as a cocreated container and welcome your leadership. As we each continue to learn and grow in our individual space holding skills for this type of community healing, we know that this is a collective effort no matter what and that we can't do it alone. So please let us know if you would like to help us plan, add ingredients, stir the pot and bring your own magic to our cocreated ritual.*

**This gathering is for anyone who has been socialized as a man/male, has ever identified as a man/male, or even any one who is simply doing the work to heal their ancestral lineage of those that have identified as either of those.

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