Medical Iching (医学易经)15周课程 - 斯坦福大学张海生博士

Medical Iching (医学易经)15周课程 - 斯坦福大学张海生博士

Dr. Zhang is an expert in the Medical Qigong & Taiji, Acupuncture, and Tuina, Mind-Body Medicine. He is visiting scholar from Stanford Unive

By Extended and Continuing Education of UEWM

Date and time

March 15 · 7pm - June 21 · 8pm PDT



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About this event

美國國際醫藥大學整合醫學院院長、教授、博士後導師,斯坦福大學訪問學者;原哈佛大學醫學院、塔夫茨大学医学院、中國中醫科學院廣安門醫院博士後;世界針灸學會聯合會養生保健工作委員會副主任委員《世界禪養》(World Zen Well-Being Journal)雜志縂主編,世界禪養聯合會(美國)會長;师从六代中医楊老师學習中醫近30年、國醫大師韋貴康教授傳承弟子。

中国古代医生曾多次强调:“医学与易经有关。”孙思邈曾说:“不了解易经,就不能成为至高无上的医生。”UEWM邀请张海生博士提供为期15周的医学易经(YiYi醫易)课程 - 预测疾病至至高无上的医生,时间从2024年1月5日到2024年4月12日,每周五晚上8点至9点,在UEWM举行(每周六北京时间中午12点至1点通过Zoom进行在线培训)。


课程描述:该课程包括15节一小时的课程。References are available at Course Description: The program consists of 15 one-hour classes.

3/15/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

易经八卦与金钱卜 (I Ching Hexagrams and Money Divination

3/22/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

梅花易数 (Plum Blossom Numerology)

3/29/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

周易的醫學思想-靈龜八法與飛騰八法/Medical Thoughts in Zhou Yi - Eight Methods of the Spiritual Turtle and Flying Ascension

4/5/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

內經的易理與臨床應用-運氣五運六氣/The I Ching Principles and Clinical Applications in Nei Jing - The Five Movements and Six Qi

4/12/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

易經斷病起卦方法及臨床案例/I Ching Disease Diagnosis Methods and Clinical Cases

4/19/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

六爻與六經辯證易學解讀-辟卦解讀傷寒迷障還原醫道/Six Lines and Six Meridians: Interpretation of Yi Studies

4/26/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

十二辟卦及脈象時空用藥/Twelve Bi Hexagrams and the Temporal-Spatial Application of Pulse Diagnosis in Medicine

5/3/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

生命起源節律易學框架-64遺傳密碼日月年節律/Life Origin Rhythms and the I Ching Framework - 64 Genetic Codes and the Rhythms of the Sun, Moon, and Years

5/10/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

臟腑經絡周易學說-五臟八卦十二經絡消息掛/Theory of Zang-Fu Organs and Meridians in the Study of I Ching

5/17/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

八卦診斷與療愈-月體納甲卦/Eight Trigrams Diagnosis and Healing;

5/24/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

易解本草與方劑-藥象補瀉/I Ching Interpretation of Materia Medica and Prescriptions;

5/31/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

針灸導引的易理-時空針灸、疾病記憶與四法九宮八卦/The Principles of I Ching in Acupuncture and Moxibustion

6/7/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

參同契的生命論與養生-/The Theory of Life and Health Cultivation in Cantong Qi

6/14/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

臨床治療的醫易案例-易卦解雜病傷寒/Clinical Treatment Cases in Medical I Ching;

6/21/2024 7pm-8pm (PST) (Beijing 12pm-1pm)

兩腦與黃庭經的易理-頭腦/泥丸腹腦/黃庭周天/The Two Brains and the I Ching Principles in Huang Ting Jing

Address: 595 Lawrence Expressway, Sunnyvale, 94085

Chinese doctors of antiquity have strongly asserted a great many times that, "Medicine is connected to the I Ching."Sun Si-Miao said, "Without understanding the I Ching, it is not possible to become a supreme doctor. UEWM invite Dr. Haisheng Zhang provide the Fifteen weeks course of Medical Iching (YiYi醫易) -Predicting Disease to a Supreme Doctor from March 8th 2024- June21st 2024 every Friday night 7pm-8pm at UEWM (online training from zoom at Beijing time 12pm-1pm every Saturday).

"If the Nei Jing is the door to the treasure house of Chinese medical classics, then the I Ching is its key." The I Ching is the foundation of all Chinese knowledge systems. All eminent achievements of China, i.e. acupuncture, herbology. feng shui, political, military philosophy and strategy and so forth are derived from the I Ching. Based on these statements, a literature developing in China called YiYi(醫易) or medical I (Ching). This is exemplified by Tand Zong-hai's Clarifying Words on Medicine and the I Ching. The importance of the I Ching in medicine is still reiterated today

References are available at Course Description: The program consists of 15 one-hour classes.

Organized by

The University of East-West Medicine is proud to offer a comprehensive set of California Acupuncture Board-approved Continuing Education Classes (CEU) and NCCAOM approved Professional Development Activities class (PDA) and general public classes (EE) in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Integrative Medicine, and health practices.

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