Luncheon Networking with Snowie The Apartment Empress 休闲社交午餐会

Luncheon Networking with Snowie The Apartment Empress 休闲社交午餐会

Join us for a casual networking luncheon with Snowie The Apartment Empress - a great opportunity to relax, socialize, and make new connectio

By A-Strategy

Date and time

Sunday, May 12 · 11am - 2pm PDT


Mayflower Seafood Restaurant

428 Barber Lane Milpitas, CA 95035

About this event

  • 3 hours

Luncheon Networking with Snowie The Apartment Empress 休闲社交午餐会

快来加入我们与Snowie 一起参加的休闲社交午餐会 - 交流、建立联系并向优秀的人学习!


Networking with Snowie The Apartment Empress (多单元公寓房产投资线下活动)

Your network is your net worth.


Mayflower Seafood Restaurant 享用美味佳肴的同时,与业内专业人士建立联系。 这是一个交流、分享想法并向业内最优秀人士学习的绝佳机会。 不要错过这个扩展您的人际网络并从 Snowie 本人那里获得宝贵见解的机会。





Organized by

A-Strategy is the platform which provides investment opportunities to investors who are interested in multi-family investment with a low entry level. Our goal is to provide opportunities to everyone, and allow everyone the ability to participate in multi-family investment. We are making multi-family investment easier and more accessible, no longer a game just for the rich. We leverage all of the investments and asset management knowledge and experience for our investors to achieve the highest return.


A-Strategy 安策投资的初衷很简单:人人都能参与地产项目投资,让多单元公寓房产投资不再只是富人可以投资得起的房产类型,普通人也可以当多单元公寓房产的房东,并且同时能参与多项投资项目以分散风险、优化回报。A-Strategy安策投资为每个期望在美国投资房产的投资者提供通往财富的列车、通往财务自由的直通车,让所有的投资者都可以参与美国精品房地产、高回报的美国房产项目投资,可以按照计划建立源源不断的被动收入来实现梦想中的生活方式。我们让多单元公寓房产投资变得更容易、更简单,而不再只是富人的游戏。

通过A-Strategy 安策投资平台,无需投资中介,我们为您化繁为简,让整个投资流程简单、明了地呈现在您面前。