LUNCH & LEARN: Take Your Brain To The Gym - Energy, Performance & Wellbeing

LUNCH & LEARN: Take Your Brain To The Gym - Energy, Performance & Wellbeing

Join my FREE online session - unlocking the secrets to a sharper mind, more energy, and better wellbeing.

By Neil Cambridge



About this event

    Discover What’s Holding You Back

    Saboteurs are the voices in your head that generate stress and negative emotions in the way you handle work and life’s challenges. They sabotage your potential for both happiness and performance.

    In this highly informative event you'll learn:

    • The 3 Core Muscles that drive your mental fitness and well being
    • The 5 Sage "powers" we all have to grow and maintain our "Self-Command"
    • The 10 Saboteurs we all have that seek to undermine our Sage and hold us back

    A free Saboteur Assessment is a available to all registrants with optional 30 coaching follow up.

    Organized by

    Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what our PQ Program empowers you to do.