Lughnasadh Festival

Lughnasadh Festival

A celebration of the first harvest of the year

By Goddess LLC

Date and time

Wednesday, July 31 · 6 - 9pm EDT


210 E Garfield Ave

210 East Garfield Avenue New Castle, PA 16105

About this event

Lughnasadh is a celebration of the first of three harvest festivals.

At this time of year, summer culminates in the ripening of the harvest season. Some fruits may be ready for picking, and grains may be available for harvesting. As a grain harvest, it is tradition to celebrate Lughnasadh with breads, pastas, and pastries. This is the time to recognize the magic of the harvest seeds; just as the earth is pregnant with her fruits, those same fruits are carrying the seeds of the next harvest. In the same way, a pregnant mother carries a child who possesses the ovaries of future generations - truly maternal magic. Furthermore, during Lammas/Lughnasadh the grain seeds enter the darkness of the earth, not to reemerge until the following spring.

For many centuries, this great festival has been marked by feasting, fairs, dancing, bonfires, and festivities. Lughnasadh celebrations are traditionally a popular time to host handfastings and unity celebrations.

Lughnasadh is seasonally significant because it is the first celebration in the wheel of the year when the sun is beginning to diminish and days are shortening. Just as we celebrate the energy and bounty of the sun's harvest, we are conscious of its journey away and the hints of autumn's arrival.

Event Details:

Please join us as we celebrate the first harvest festival.


We will be celebrating Lughnasdh at Jillian's house and would be so grateful if you would bless us with your presence. Please bring a Summer dish to share.

What to bring:

Please bring a summer specific dish to share. Popular foods for Lughnasadh include grains, breads, pasta, corn, blueberries, blackberries, beets, eggplant, peaches, watermelon, summer squash, and tomatoes.

*Please respect the time and energy it takes to host these events. Do not register for this event unless you are committed to attending. Thank you for your consideration.*

What to expect:

- We will share food and laughter together.

- We will have a short time to reflect on the history of Lughnasadh and the meaning of the first harvest.

- We will share a time of reflection on seed planting in our own lives and its ripple effect on many harvests, which may include writing, lighting candles, drumming, cards, and prayers.

- We will enjoy a fire together as we embrace the first harvest evening with a cup of tea and conversation. If desired, we may include a drum circle or share meaningful messages with each other.

*This is a substance-free event*

*This is an Atheopagan event. All faith backgrounds are welcome.*substance-free

Organized by

Goddess is for the women who are ready to do WHATEVER IT TAKES to reclaim themselves. For the women who are so exhausted trying to conform to the suffocating rules and roles in relationships, religion, communities, and careers, that their heart's voice can no longer be denied or suppressed. For the women who are ready to follow their desires and honest truth, without apology and no matter what the cost. For the women who are DONE HIDING.

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On Sale Jul 1 at 12:00 AM