Limitless Flow Breathwork: Virtual

Clarity, creativity, and deep stress relief. Focused breath & immersive music create powerful shifts from your very first session.

By Dave Gieselman



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About this event

    Experience the release of stress and anxiety of a Limitless Flow Breathwork session. Tap into your true potential as you experience powerful techniques designed to immerse you in Flow State.

    In just one session, you'll discover a vibrant new sense of clarity and focus, release deep-seated stress, and explore new levels of creativity and freedom. This expertly guided session offers immediate relief and rejuvenation and sets the building blocks for long-term well-being.

    Join us to elevate your mind, energize your body, and embark on a journey towards achieving your true limitless potential. Feel the change, be the change.

    Everyone welcome!

    Perfect for first-timers!

    This is a VIRTUAL BREATHWORK SESSION led by Limitless Flow founder and Flow State Coach Dave Gieselman.

    What you need:

    • 90 minutes of uninterrupted time
    • Space to lay down (floor/bed/couch)
    • Headphones/earbuds or a good speaker
    • Water
    • Journal/pen to write down any awarenesses or insights you receive in your session

    *Try not to eat 1-2 hrs before the session.

    What to expect:

    - We will briefly introduce what we are doing and the techniques we will explore.

    - Check-ins, questions/answers

    - Active Breathwork ~50 min

    - Meditation / Suspension

    - Final check-in, experiences, questions/answers

    - If this is your first session. Please plan to log in 15-20 minutes early for a description of the process and what you are likely to experience during your session.

    Who Is This For?

    This session is suitable for everyone but does require a basic level of health. Out of precaution, we advise against participation during pregnancy or if you have epilepsy. People with cardiovascular issues or other severe health conditions should consult a medical professional before starting breathwork.


    9:40am - ZOOM OPENS


    10:05am SESSION BEGINS

    Meet your facilitator

    Dave, a former professional chef turned dynamic speaker, author, and Founder of Limitless Flow, brings over a decade of experience as a Flow State and mindset coach. He specializes in facilitating breathwork for groups, individuals, and organizations at various events and locations, including conferences, retreats, and wellness days. His expertise lies in teaching Flow State principles and practices, aiming to enhance performance, reduce stress and anxiety, and boost overall well-being. Dave's sessions focus on helping people clarify their purpose and passions, releasing old narratives and limiting beliefs. They are truly transformative experiences.

    Frequently asked questions

    I've never done breathwork of any kind. Is this OK for beginners?

    Yes. It's perfect for first-timers. You'll be just fine.

    Is this like Wim Hof?

    Similar. Wim Hof developed a breathing technique to increase oxygen levels in the body. Limitless Flow also increases oxygen but is specifically designed to trigger a heightened cognitive state known as Flow State, associated with stress release, increased creativity, & higher energy levels.

    Can I do this sitting up?

    I would advise against it. You are likely to become light-headed at some point, and lying down is the safest place to be. If lying down is physically uncomfortable for you, seated is fine.

    Can kids do this?

    Yes. However, younger children might not have an appropriate attention span, and their distraction might disrupt the session. You know your kids.

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