Learn about barter and Simbi.com

Learn about barter and Simbi.com

Come me for Free Coffee to discover the world of bartering and how Simbi.com can help you trade services locally and online. Local Chapter!


109 Neal St

109 Neal Street Grass Valley, CA 95945


11:00 AM - 12:00 AM (+1 day)


Ali ReauVEau

Offering a free cup of coffee and coversation about barter. Costs are going up and I'm on a mission to save the general public from corporate greed. Check it out for yourself: Use this link: https://...

About this event

Frequently asked questions

How much is Simbi?

Free, no cost to join, trade or promote yourself.

What value system is Simbi.com barter?

Simbi.com is a site where you can set your own "coin" prices, one coin and up. Each transaction is recorded within the app and keeps track of trades, coins and connections.

Can I charge for money?

No, this is an non-traditional currancy model. The coins have no value outside the Simbi.com system. However, you can recruit your favorite stores, practioners and more. Barter is good option for when the banks fail us again.

Do I have to buy anything?


I want more info.

Please research for yourself at Simbi.com

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