Leading Effective Teams 1 Day Workshop in Elgin, IL on June 20th, 2024

Leading Effective Teams 1 Day Workshop in Elgin, IL on June 20th, 2024

Offers: Group of 5 - 10 people 10% Discount, Group of 11 - 20 people 15% Discount

By Mangates

Date and time

Thursday, June 20 · 9am - 5pm CDT


For venue details reach us at info@mangates.com, PH: +1 469 666 9332

Elgin Elgin, IL

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event


Qualities of an Effective Leader

Identifying the key characteristics of effective leaders, rating themselves against them and establishing key actions to develop the skills.

12:00 AM

Leader or Manager?

Establishing the difference between the two and comparing themselves to those qualities.

Developing Your Team Goals

Reviewing an action plan that develops clear goals for their team based on the business vision.


Determining the ‘Why’ for their staff and developing an understanding of emotions in a business context.

What Motivates?

Looking at specific motivators for individuals and understanding that everyone is motivated by different things.

Being Consistently Different

Going against popular leadership theory and identifying that each staff member needs to be treated differently.

Dealing With Difficult Team Members

Understanding why team members are difficult. Looking at different behaviour types and strategies for responding to them. Also, realising that ‘difficult’ behaviour sometimes has its benefits.


Using a simple method of coaching, including action plans.

Three Key Skills of Coaching

at the skills required to be an effective coach.

Instant Results Coaching

Coaching in a hurry!

Can Do Coaching Practice

Putting the learning into practice

About this event

Certificate: Course Completion Certificate

Language: English

Duration: 1 Day

Credits: 8

Refreshments: Snacks, Beverages and Lunch included in a classroom session

Course Delivery: Classroom

Course Overview:

This training based on leading teams will help you to develop anyone that leads a team or is involved in a leadership role. It is also useful for those that are about to embark on a position of leadership or need to develop their leadership skills.

Course Contents:

Having an effective team around you is crucial. However, it is an area that is often left to chance, which can lead to de-motivated individuals that do not feel part of the business and consequently do not perform. This course looks at what it takes to lead an effective team and how you can get the best out of the people in it by understanding the role of the leader, both personally and from the point of view of the team.

Course Feature:

By the end of this training you will be able to:

  • Explain the qualities of an effective leader
  • Benchmark themselves against those qualities and develop actions to improve
  • Explain the difference between leading and managing
  • Explain the value of sharing the business vision with the team
  • Develop team goals based on the business vision
  • Motivate their staff by understanding their drivers and developing actions to support them
  • Deal with difficult staff members
  • Challenge staff in a meaningful and effective way
  • Coach staff effectively using a simple process


Once after the training you receive course completion certificate from Mangates

Who can Attend?

Anybody who is interested in learning Effective Skills to Lead a Team.

We also offer a variety of other courses:

Presentation Skills Workshop: In a survey carried out amongst experienced, middle and senior executives, designed to determine the things that they feared most, public speaking came out as number one. Death was eighth on the list! So, most of us would rather die than stand up and present!

This session will provide you with the ideas and techniques to help them feel more confident about presenting and will help you to become an effective presenter.

Public Speaking Workshop : According to a 1973 survey by the Sunday Times of London, 41% of people list public speaking as their biggest fear. Forget small spaces, darkness, and spiders, standing up in front of a crowd and talking is far more terrifying for most people. Through this workshop, your participants will become more confident and relaxed in front of an audience which will translate into a successful speaking event.

However, mastering this fear and getting comfortable speaking in public can be a great ego booster, not to mention a huge benefit to your career. The Public Speaking workshop will give participants some basic public speaking skills, including in-depth information on developing an engaging program and delivering their presentation with power.

Teamwork Skills : Communicating Effectively in Groups Worshop : Effective teamwork and group communication are essential for your professional and personal success. In this course you will learn to: make better decisions, be more creative and innovative, manage conflict and work with difficult group members, negotiate for preferred outcomes, improve group communication in virtual environments, develop a better overall understanding of human interaction, and work more effectively as a team. Our goal is to help you understand these important dynamics of group communication and learn how to put them into practice to improve your overall teamwork.

Communication Skills Worshop: Communication Skills are the most highly valued skills in today’s business environment. Successful professionals who add value to their companies communicate clearly, accurately and effectively. Poor communication skills, on the other hand, restrict even the most talented professionals from getting ahead in the business world.

Communication Skills intensive is a cutting edge training program designed to help today’s business professionals take their communication skills and effectiveness to the next level. It immerses you into the most advanced and innovative communication techniques.

Human Resource Management Workshop: Recently tasks that were originally thought to fall under the responsibility of the human resources department have become a part of many managers” job descriptions. The sharing and diffusion of these tasks throughout the organization has had an impact particularly on those that are not equipped with the skills or knowledge to deal with these issues.

The Human Resource Management workshop will give managers the basic tools to handle numerous human resource situations such as interviewing, orientation, safety, harassment, discrimination, violence, discipline, and termination. This workshop will provide your participants those skills and assist them with certain Human Resource situations.

Organizational Skills Wokshop: Developing good Organizational Skills is an investment that will provide benefits for years. To be successful means to be organized. These skills will filter through all aspects of your paOrganizational Skillsrticipant’s professional and personal lives. Throughout this workshop, your participants will be given the tools necessary for developing better Organizational Skills.

Through Organizational Skills, your participants will encounter improved productivity, better management, and an overall increase in professional growth. Every day people waste numerous amounts of time looking for items. So stop looking for those important items, and start knowing where they are by getting organized.

Conflict Management Workshop: Disagreements, differences of opinion and conflicting perspectives on key issues inevitably arise in any context where people are working together.

Research has shown that workplace conflicts can become highly destructive. Negative emotions may be stirred up, poisoning team morale, creating stress and destroying relationships.

Conflict may emerge between managers and their staff, between team members or departments.

Conflict may be expressed openly, but it may also be hidden, in the form of irritation, resentment, loss of morale and lack of commitment. Hidden conflict is easy to miss and therefore can be particularly damaging.

Effective Change Management Workshop: According to Harvard Business Review, 70% of all change initiatives fail. Another study by Towers Watson found that only 25% of change management actions are successful over the long term. All around us, technologies, processes, people, ideas and methods are continuously evolving, affecting the way organizations run their operations.

Developing effective change management skills then becomes not only inevitable, but also critical in today’s dynamic professional world as organizational change becomes more of a norm than an exception.

The Leading Change Management program will give aspiring change agents and managers the tools required to implement changes successfully with positive acceptance throughout the organization.

Managing a Virtual Team Workshop: Managing Virtual Teams has become a hot topic over the last few years. People are now much more likely to work from home, from their car, at alternative locations, or even on the other side of the world, which means managers might rarely see them.

Consequently, managers who are asked to lead these virtual teams not only face the usual leadership dilemmas, they also have to be able to adapt to these challenges in an environment where the rules have changed.

Managing virtual teams requires a different approach. It means developing new skills, communication methodologies, and techniques to get the best out of teams and improve organizational and personal performance.

Motivating People Workshop: A major part of being a leader is about having the ability to motivate and mobilize your team to drive their performance to their full potential. This 1 day course will put you on the right track to give leaders greater confidence and equip them with the most up to date motivation concepts through a number of fun activities and exercises that will empower them to offer their people an “action guide”, a plan, a challenge, a goal or a purpose that they are willing to embrace and carry on to achieve amazing results.

Business Presentations Workshop: This business presentations training will provide you with the skills and knowledge required to deliver effective and persuasive business presentations that get results. It will help you to present in a style that changes the way people think about the topics they present to them while leaving the audience with key actions to take away.

You will be guided on how to prepare and deliver the message with impact and given the tools and techniques to ensure that their audience feels engaged and influenced by your delivery.

Elements of Risk Management Workshop: The mission of every organization is affected by today’s global economy and the digital era. Organizations are critically dependent on information technology (IT) to better support their Business Goals. Risk Management plays a critical role in protecting an organization’s information assets, and its mission therein, from IT-related Risk. An effective Risk Management Process is an important component of a successful IT security program. The principal goal of an organization’s Risk Management Process should be to protect the organization and its ability to perform its mission, not just its IT assets. Therefore, the Risk Management Process should not be treated primarily as a technical function carried out by the IT experts who operate and manage the IT system, but as an essential management function of the organization.

Professional Skills Bootcamp: Effective professionals have the ability to directly influence the performance and success of their respective organizations. But in order to do so, they must first master an array of skills that may be unlike any they have ever used before. The Professional Skills Boot Camp is designed to provide you with just such expertise through an introduction to the competencies that they must master in order to transform themselves into high-performing servant leaders/practitioners.

Building High Performing Teams Workshop: A highly engaging one-day training program packed with a plethora of fun activities and games focusing on the key characteristics of high performing teams. The high energy training program will help you equip members of a team with the essential skill set and mind set to be a professional team player in a high performing team in which every individual takes responsibility to be productive, proactive and reliable.

The training program will help you create a more professional, dynamic, effective work team that enjoys the work environment and consistently achieves more.

Professional Development Essentials Workshop: The first step to achieve your professional goals is to clarify what professional success means to you. Under the guidance of an expert coach, this one-day Professional Development training course provides you with the knowledge and skills to leverage a reflecting, thinking, and planning process, and create a personal development plan to accelerate your individual career goals.

Frequently asked questions

What Does Mangates provide me on the day of the course?

We provide Course Materials, Lunch, Beverages and Course Completion Certificate.

If I cancel my Enrollment, how can I claim my Refund?

You can request a refund by sending an email to info@mangates.com and within 7-14 working days you get your money back.

How do I enroll in a course?

You can reach us at info@mangates.com or enroll through our website.

Is the course available online or in-person?

We host the training through both the platform, Online and Classroom. The virtual training option can be chosen by busy professionals.

What is the duration of the course?

The duration of the training is 8 hours. The training will run from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Do you provide group discount?

Yes, we do provide great discount for the group registration. To enquire, reach us at corporate@mangates.com.

Will I receive a certificate upon completion of the training?

Once you complete the training, you will receive a globally recognized Course Completion Certificate.

Can I switch my registration to different course if required?

Yes. You can switch your registration to a different course with a week prior notice.

Are your instructors are qualified and certified?

Our subject matter experts are from relevant industries and are certified.

How many credits will I be eligible for?

You will be credited with 8 PDUs on completion of this training.

Organized by

Mangates Tech Solutions is one of the Leading Education Industry, We Developed a more advanced, applied level of Training programs. We Designed High Quality Training programs and you can expect the same learning Experience, this made us stand out above the competition.

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