Laughter Yoga with Merrie Maggie (Jan - April)

Laughter Yoga with Merrie Maggie (Jan - April)

Bring more joy and laughter to your life with Laughter Yoga - an aerobic exercise with playful exercises combined with deep yogic breathing

By The Third Age Trust

Date and time

January 30 · 7:30am - April 30 · 8:30am PST



About this event

Bring more joy and laughter into your life through Laughter Yoga - an aerobic exercise with playful exercises and hand claps combined with deep yogic breathing

These sessions will take place on the last Tuesday of every month, from 3.30pm-4.30pm. Please ignore the eventbrite timings which imply the last session starts at 4.30pm.

  • Tues 30th January at 3.30
  • Tues 27th February at 3.30
  • Tues 26th March at 3.30
  • Tues 30th April at 3.30

You only need to sign up via eventbrite once, and will receive reminders and communication about all of these 4 sessions

We will start with an introduction, followed by a series of laughter exercises and the important grounding relaxation at the end.

About Maggie

I was introduced to Laughter Yoga about 13 years ago and it was a ‘lightbulb’ moment for me – I loved it and it felt so natural to me. Laughter Yoga is an aerobic and cardio-vascular exercise that although we are practically born with the ability, often in this crazy fast-pace life, we forget to make use of. I trained to be a Certified Leader in 2010 and a Certified Teacher in 2013, initially running Laughter Yoga clubs locally and then took Laughter Yoga to corporate, wellbeing events, festivals, community and voluntary organisations so I could share the benefits of regular laughter with them to uplift the mood, reduce stress, boost the immune system, team building, connectivity with others and a coping mechanism in times of adversity. As well as running Laughter Yoga sessions, I have trained more than 30 people to become Certified Laughter Yoga Leaders too.

During COVID 19, I offered Laughter Yoga sessions via Zoom and still run wekly sessions on Thursday afternoons as well as resuming ‘in-person’ sessions and also a monthly walk and Laughter Yoga in various local parks.

Maggie is a member of Stourbridge u3a.

This event is for u3a members only.

Not a member? Find out more and join here

Organized by

The u3a movement is a unique and exciting organisation which provides, through its u3as, life-enhancing and life-changing opportunities. Retired and semi-retired people come together and learn together, not for qualifications but for its own reward: the sheer joy of discovery!

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