Laguna Hills, California - Net-Zero Construction, Option to Invest Pre-IPO
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Laguna Hills, California - Net-Zero Construction, Option to Invest Pre-IPO

Join us online on June 17th to learn about net-zero construction in Laguna Hills, California and explore the option to invest pre-IPO! 投一级股票

By A-Strategy

Date and time

Monday, June 17 · 6 - 8pm PDT



About this event

  • 2 hours

欢迎参加我们此次的南加州Laguna Hills的新建房产建筑投资机会讲座,了解我们如何锁定上市公司原始股东的投资机会。


Zoom 注册链接

Xue(Snowie) Xu is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: New Construction - Nellie Gail - 加州新能源住房 & 土地新建开发基金讲座

Time: May 17, 2024 08:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)


在新科技公司工作的你,是否梦想过拥有公司原始股票,但苦于没有机会?机会来了!我们为您带来Laguna Hills, California - Net-Zero Construction项目的独特投资机会,让您有机会成为公司的初始股东。


  1. 独家优惠价格:以折扣价购买一级市场股票,为您的长期投资策略保驾护航。
  2. 巨大的成长潜力:资本有望在5-10年内增值5倍至10倍。
  3. 避税优势:长期持有可避免资本利得税,让您的收益最大化。
  4. 即将IPO:项目预计在24个月内启动IPO,为您带来更多回报的可能。

**不要错过这次改变命运的机会!**立即参与Laguna Hills, California - Net-Zero Construction项目的投资,与我们一起迈向财富自由的未来!

Welcome to the Laguna Hills, California - Net-Zero Construction Fun! Join us online to learn about the latest in sustainable construction and real estate in beautiful Laguna Hills. Discover how we are revolutionizing the industry with our net-zero energy buildings. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of the future of real estate. Secure your spot now!

Organized by

A-Strategy is the platform which provides investment opportunities to investors who are interested in multi-family investment with a low entry level. Our goal is to provide opportunities to everyone, and allow everyone the ability to participate in multi-family investment. We are making multi-family investment easier and more accessible, no longer a game just for the rich. We leverage all of the investments and asset management knowledge and experience for our investors to achieve the highest return.


A-Strategy 安策投资的初衷很简单:人人都能参与地产项目投资,让多单元公寓房产投资不再只是富人可以投资得起的房产类型,普通人也可以当多单元公寓房产的房东,并且同时能参与多项投资项目以分散风险、优化回报。A-Strategy安策投资为每个期望在美国投资房产的投资者提供通往财富的列车、通往财务自由的直通车,让所有的投资者都可以参与美国精品房地产、高回报的美国房产项目投资,可以按照计划建立源源不断的被动收入来实现梦想中的生活方式。我们让多单元公寓房产投资变得更容易、更简单,而不再只是富人的游戏。

通过A-Strategy 安策投资平台,无需投资中介,我们为您化繁为简,让整个投资流程简单、明了地呈现在您面前。