Lab Grand Opening

Lab Grand Opening

Join us for a ribbon cutting, lab tours, and lunch to celebrate the opening of the Cure Rare Disease laboratory.

By Cure Rare Disease

Date and time

Starts on Saturday, March 16 · 11am EDT


4 Research Dr

4 Research Drive Woodbridge, CT 06525

About this event

The Cure Rare Disease laboratory is hosting a special event to mark its opening, and you're invited to join in the celebration. Here are the details:

Event: Ribbon Cutting, Lab Tours, and Lunch

Date: March 16th

Time: 11:00 AM EST

Location: 4 Research Drive, Woodbridge CT 06525

This event promises a unique opportunity to witness the ribbon-cutting ceremony, explore the facility, and enjoy a lunch. Make sure to mark your calendar for this special occasion, and feel free to bring along friends and colleagues. We look forward to seeing you there!

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