Kundalini Tantra Yoga

Based on traditional Indian techniques to bring about a state of being fully alert. This is the Yoga of Inner Awareness and Presence.

By Pink Tantra



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About this event

    Key points:

    • Schedule - 35 sessions running over 7 weeks, Monday to Friday each week, from Monday 13 May through until Friday 28 June 2024. You can attend all 35 sessions or just one session per week, the choice is completely yours.
    • Session time - 7.30 - 8.30am BST, each Monday to Friday.
    • Cost - the cost is for the full 35 sessions.
    • Structure - each week we will focus on a different chakra, working up from the Root to the Crown, so as long as you come to at least one session per week you will get the full practice, Root to Crown.

    Week 1, 13-17 May, focussed on Root Chakra.

    Week 2, 20-24 May, focussed on Sacral Chakra.

    Week 3, 27-31 May, focussed on Navel Chakra.

    Week 4, 3-7 June, focussed on Heart Chakra.

    Week 5, 10-14 June, focussed on Throat Chakra.

    Week 6, 17-21 June, focussed on 3rd Eye Chakra.

    Week 7, 24-28 June, focussed on Crown Chakra.

    My intention is to video the first session each Monday, so anyone who can't manage to attend can follow it on Vimeo.


    Kundalini Yoga is a science and a philosophy to unite the finite with infinity, ie, us with universal consciousness. In traditional Indian Kundalini Tantra Yoga we bring an inner focus, we slow down, and surrender, connecting to our feminine energy to reconnect to our true self. This is non-dualistic, that is, we are not seeking to improve, we are already that which we are seeking. We are merely trying to reconnect to our true Being. We do this through the quality of ease of our body, mind and emotions.

    Key points to note in Kundalini Tantra Yoga is that there is no perfect alignment (there is no perfection). All bodies are different and so we go inwards to find our own alignment, not comparing or judging ourselves against others. We come to notice where we are in the moment. Where we are right now, is where we are, and we bring a focus to what we need right now. Kundalini Tantra Yoga is therefore highly inclusive of all ages and body types.

    These sessions will be aimed at beginners.


    Practically, we will be using a synthesis of;

    • asanas (postures),
    • movement and breathwork (pranayama),
    • mantras and chanting,
    • meditation and visualisastion,
    • aligned to the main chakras (energy centres).

    We are working therefore with the physical body and the energetic/suble body, as a vehicle to go Beyond the body.

    Additional Information:

    See my BLOGs for more details Pink Tantra | Kundalini Tantra Yoga and Pink Tantra | Tantra Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses

    Some Myths:

    I don't have a yoga body. Ditch this! Kundalini Tantra Yoga is the most inclusive of all body types and abilities. Kundalini Tantra Yoga works with who you are, where you are at, and takes you inwards to your true self.

    I can't do all these backbends and fancy poses. Neither can I, discard this! Kundalini Tantra Yoga works to slow things down, it is gentle and heartfelt. The priority is to come to 'ease' in your body, mind and emotions.

    I will never be as good as the rest. Disregard this kind of thinking. Kundalini Tantra Yoga is non-dualistic, that means we are already that which we are seeking to be, we just need to reconnect to our true self. There is no competition, no need to improve (that is dualistic thinking).

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