June Radiant Dreamers: Dance the Dream Awake
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June Radiant Dreamers: Dance the Dream Awake

An Invitation to Discover the Wisdom of Your Dreams. Join this 6-week transformative experience.

By Tarron Estes Conscious Dying Institute

Date and time

June 6 · 3pm - July 18 · 4:30pm PDT



Refund Policy

No Refunds

About this event

Radiant Dreamers: Dance The Dream Awake

An Invitation to Discover the Wisdom of Your Dreams

Imagine transforming your dreams into a compass for life, guiding you toward profound self-discovery and creative awakening. In this course, we will see how our creative unconsciousness, the dream world, begins to respond and increase the desire to move forward in life.

There are 3 ways you can join this offering:

Dream Telling only for $35 ←6/1
Dream Study only for $300 (see details below) 6/6-7/18
Dream Telling + Dream Study for $300 ← Save $35

A Dream Telling allows the group to respond to dream via a particular method. It stand on its on. But adds to the 6 week dream study.

In six weeks together, we'll learn to listen to the whispers of the soul. With each dream we unravel, a layer of self-awareness is unveiled, bringing us closer to understanding our true selves and the world around us. This journey is not just about interpreting dreams; it's about unlocking the full potential of our inner wisdom to guide us in our waking life.

Over six transformative weeks, you'll:

  • Discover the unique language of your dreams and how they reflect your deepest self.
  • Decode personalized symbols, unlocking the messages they hold.
  • Develop skills in dream interpretation and application, impacting your waking life.
  • Deepen emotional and spiritual connections, both within yourself and in your relationships.
  • Dare to explore the profound impact of dreams


We meet weekly on the following Thursdays:
June 6, June 13, June 20, June 27, July 11, July 18
We do not meet July 4
All calls are from 6 PM to 7:30 PM ET
We meet live, virtually. All are welcome.
Cost $300

Upon enrollment, you’ll start developing a personal dream journal, perhaps the most important tool on your journey.

Your Guide

I'm Tarron Estes, Founder of the Conscious Dying Institute

I’ll be your guide on this extraordinary journey into the world of dreams. I believe that within each of us lies a 'built-in dream software' – a unique, intuitive system that guides us toward self-awareness and creative expression.

In my experience, unlocking this aspect of our consciousness can be transformative. It has the power to bring clarity to confusion, turn fear into empowerment, and reveal the profound interconnectedness of our lives. My role as a dreamwork facilitator has been deeply rewarding. To hear each dream shared, each insight uncovered, is a step towards a more conscious, purposeful existence, an existence we may all share in!

In this course, we'll learn to listen to the whispers of the soul. With each dream we unravel, a layer of self-awareness is unveiled, bringing us closer to understanding our true selves and the world around us. This journey is not just about interpreting dreams; it's about unlocking the full potential of our inner wisdom to guide us in our waking life.

Below is a sketch of our weekly study. Each week may vary based on what the group calls for each time.

Before week 1: Experience a 'Dream Telling' to experience the power and allow you to engage in a simple form of group dreamwork engagement.

Week 1 - Your Dream Journey

Uncover the deeper purpose of your participation in this transformative experience.

Initiate a personal introspection, exploring your current challenges, aspirations, and your innate curiosity about the world of dreams.

Learn foundational concepts of dreamwork and how they apply to your life.

Week 2 – Unveiling the Dream World

Dive into various dream modes, moods, settings, characters, and styles, learning to recognize and differentiate them.

Share and analyze real dream experiences, beginning the process of personal dream interpretation.

Week 3 – Dreams in Every Domain

Explore how dreams influence various aspects of life: physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and practical.

Discover the role of dreams in addressing life’s challenges and enhancing personal growth.

Engage in exercises to connect your dream experiences with everyday life scenarios.

Week 4 – Dream Facilitation and Coaching

Receive personalized coaching on your dream experiences, deepening your understanding and interpretation skills.

Practice peer-to-peer dream coaching, fostering a supportive community within the group.

Week 5 – Personalizing Dream Symbols

Learn to identify and interpret your unique dream symbols, moving beyond generic interpretations.

Understand the significance of recurring symbols and themes in your dreams.

Develop techniques to consciously interact with your dreams, enhancing their clarity and relevance.

Week 6 – Unlocking Dream Access

Discover methods to enhance dream recall and increase dream vividness.

Explore various techniques for conscious dream navigation.

Learn to use dreams as a tool for problem-solving and creative inspiration.


“I fully trust her, which says a lot, as I’m a skeptic. I met her at the Spa Nights I’ve been going to – an exceptional group of women (no, not the women’s group) – that are doing amazing things in our community. She’s very well regarded among the group and beyond her work, I just like her as a person. Sitting down with he in my session was like sitting with an old friend. She’s so easy to connect with and extremely intuitive. She also incorporates Byron Katie’s work… but has several modalities.”
— Marcie

“Tarron’s dream work is truly eye-opening, inspiring, and deeply insightful. My life, both waking and sleeping, has been enriched with a deeper resonance and understanding of my dreams and their importance in my life. in her group work, she creates an environment where we all learn from each other’s dreams while offering numerous techniques for self-investigation. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her!”

— Elisabeth Thomas

This event is non-refundable.

Organized by

Our trainings include certificate programs and events in:

  • End of Life Coaching
  • Sacred Passage End of Life Doula
  • Conscious Dying Educator
  • Pediatric Death 4 week course
  • Alzheimers 4 week immersion
  • Waking Up Before You Die: Sacred Plant Medicines Awakening Power
  • Journey into Conscious Dying Retreats (when available)
  • Health Care System Programs and Teaching Training in Best Three Months of Life
  • Private Individual , Family, and Group Coaching with Founder, Tarron Estes
  • Griefwork
  1. Dreaming, Awakening, Dying
  2. End of Life Coaching for Families, Clients, and All involved in the care and healing before, during and after death
  3. Coaching for Transitions, Purpose, and Well Being
  4. Best Three Months of Life


$35 – $300