Japan Privacy Symposium

Japan Privacy Symposium

Japanese Data Protection Engages Key Trends in Global Regulation

By Future of Privacy Forum

Date and time

Thursday, June 22, 2023 · 9am - 12pm JST


Izumi Garden Gallery

1-5-2 Roppongi Minato City, Tokyo 106-6090 Japan

About this event

Japan Privacy Symposium



日時:2023年6月22日(木)9:00 - 12:00(開場:8:30)

共催:フューチャー・オブ・プライバシー・フォーラム(Future of Privacy Forum (FPF))、 S&K Brussels 法律事務所


場所:〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木1-5-2泉ガーデンギャラリーB1ホール








8:30 - 9:00 ウェルカムコーヒー・参加登録

9:00 - 9:05 歓迎の辞

○ ジュールズ・ポロネツキー(Jules Polonetsky)氏(フューチャー・オブ・プライバシー・フォーラム(FPF)最高経営責任者(Chief Executive Officer, Future of Privacy Forum (FPF))

○ 杉本武重(Takeshige Sugimoto)氏(S&K Brussels法律事務所代表パートナー弁護士

、FPFシニアフェロー(Managing Director & Partner, S&K Brussels LPC / Senior Fellow, FPF)

9:05 - 9:15 基調講演

○ 大島周平(Shuhei Ohshima)氏(個人情報保護委員会委員(Commissioner, Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan))

9:15 - 10:15 既存のデータ保護法・個人情報保護法と特化した新法の間で:AIガバナンスを理解する


● モデレータ

○ ガブリエラ・ザンフィル=フォルトゥナ(Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna)氏(FPFグローバルプライバシー部門担当副社長(Vice President for Global Privacy, FPF))

● 登壇者(スピーカー)

○ ヴォイチェフ・ヴィエヴィオロフスキー(Wojciech Wiewiórowski)氏(欧州データ保護

監察官(EDPS: European Data Protection Supervisor))

○ ジネーヴラ・チェリーナ・フェローニ(Ginevra Cerina Ferroni)氏 (イタリアデータ

保護監督当局副委員長(Vice Presidente del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali))

○ フィリップ・デュフレーヌ(Philippe Dufresne)氏(カナダデータ保護監督当局プライバシーコミッショナー(The Privacy Commissioner of Canada))

10:15 - 10:55 コーヒーブレイクとネットワーキング

10:55 - 11:55 世界におけるエンフォースメントの優先順位:子どものプライバシーから広告技術まで


● モデレータ

○ ジュールズ・ポロネツキー(Jules Polonetsky)氏(FPF最高経営責任者(Chief Executive Officer, FPF)

● 登壇者(スピーカー)

○ レベッカ・ケリー・スローター(Rebecca Kelly Slaughter)氏(米国連邦取引委員会委

員(Commissioner, Federal Trade Commission, United States of America))

○ ジョン・エドワーズ(John Edwards)氏(英国情報コミッショナーオフィス(UK Information Commissioner, Information Commissioner’s Office, United Kingdom))

11:55 - 12:00 閉会の辞

○ ジュールズ・ポロネツキー(Jules Polonetsky)氏

○ 杉本武重(Takeshige Sugimoto)氏

Data Protection and Privacy regulators from the G7 economies are meeting in Tokyo to strategize about coordinated approaches to tackle the challenges raised by advancement of new technologies fueled by data and their impact on society, people and economy. This Symposium offers a forum to the G7 regulators and the Japanese data protection and privacy community to exchange ideas, share an overview of the state of play in global regulation and strategize for the future. From the Governance of AI and the role of data protection in it, to the future of AdTech, to enforcement trends and global data flows - the key subjects in global data protection will be discussed.

Program and Panel Descriptions

8:30 - 9:00: Welcome coffee and Registration

9:00 - 9:05: Welcome from Jules Polonetsky (CEO, FPF) and Takeshige Sugimoto (Managing Director & Partner, S&K Brussels LPC & FPF Senior Fellow)

9:05 - 9:15: Keynote: Shuhei Ohshima (Commissioner, Personal Information Protection Commission, Japan (PPC))

9:15 - 10:15: Between Existing Data Protection Law and Dedicated New Laws: Making Sense of AI Governance

Data protection law proved to be one of the most relevant existing legal frameworks to deal with the risks posed by the mass deployment of new AI tools, and particularly Generative AI. At the same time, new AI governance models are being advanced by legislators from the EU, to Canada and beyond. What are the key existing provisions that must be taken into account by the providers of AI systems as they are deploying their tools facing consumers and business users? How should companies and government agencies be thinking about rolling out services that embed new AI tools, most often provided by third party developers? What is the added value of novel regulation in this space?

Moderator: Gabriela Zanfir-Fortuna (VP Global Privacy, FPF)

Speakers: Wojciech Wiewiórowski (EDPS), Ginevra Cerina Ferroni, (VP, Italian Garante), Philippe Dufresne (Privacy Commissioner, Canada)

10:15 - 10:55: Coffee break and Networking

10:55 - 11:55: Enforcement Priorities Around the World: From Children Privacy, to AdTech

From children's privacy to automated decision-making, from online targeted advertising and cookie walls to breaches of health privacy, the enforcement priorities of data protection and privacy commissioners expand every year. So does their enforcement toolbox, with measures that more often go beyond imposing financial penalties. This panel will discuss what are the current enforcement priorities of regulators and what are some of the novel approaches to enforcement action, potential avenues of cooperation across borders, while also bringing attention to the advantages and disadvantages of preventive versus punitive actions.

Moderator: Jules Polonetsky (CEO, FPF)

Speakers: Rebecca Kelly Slaughter (Commissioner, US FTC), John Edwards (Information Commissioner, UK ICO)

11:55 - 12:00: Closing Remarks: Jules Polonetsky and Takeshige Sugimoto

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