Intimacy Explorations Book Club

Intimacy Explorations Book Club

Ignite your Love Life as we explore topics on love, intimacy and relationships! Build community while gaining new insights.

By Tilly Storm



About this event

Ignite your love life through our non-fiction book club dedicated to exploring the intricacies of love and relationships! Join our lively community to connect with like-minded women sharing insights and discovering techniques to nurture or rekindle the passion.

Why Join us?

  • Connect with life-long learners and seekers on a similar path who value depth of connection. Make new friends!
  • Skip the small talk as we dive deep and explore new perspectives and practices to ignite the spark in your relationship.
  • Through discussions, discover new perspectives, challenge old narratives, and embrace a new story about love & relationships.

About your host, Tilly Storm...

As an award winning somatic love & relationship coach and podcast host since 2017, my mission is to support women in learning tools, techniques and practices to sustain a fulfilling romantic relationship over the years.

Also, having moved many times in my adult life, I've found it difficult to make friends as an adult.

The one place where I've discovered like-minded connections quickly has always a book club!

That's why I decided to start a FREE Book Club on love and relationships for my community.

I'm excited to meet you!

Frequently asked questions

When and where do we meet?

We meet on Zoom weekly on Wednesdays 12pm Eastern Time (9am Pacific Time/6pm Central European Time)

Is there a cost to join?

No, it's completely FREE!

What types of discussions can I expect?

We will have a structured introduction time to get to know others. After, we will bring up certain points in the book that I've found are meaningful and impactful and we will discuss.

What types of books will we be reading?

Non-fiction books only on the topics of intimacy, love and relationships.

Do I have to attend every session?

No. You can join whenever your schedule allows.

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