Innovating in a Time of Crisis

Innovating in a Time of Crisis

Innovating in a Time of Crisis: Building Antifragile Corporations Through Startup Engagement


Date and time

Thursday, April 30, 2020 · 8 - 9am PDT



About this event

Why traditional approaches to corporate innovation aren't working anymore, and what to do about it

The current global crisis has exposed just how fragile our large institutions and corporations truly are. Scaled enterprises are more susceptible to the shocks of a global crisis than ever before due to decades of relentless optimization combined with a significant slowdown in innovation.

Business model innovation has never been more critical for large corporations, but it has also never been so elusive. Technology is making the standard innovation toolkit obsolete: it feels harder to innovate because it is harder. At the same time, the current crisis is revealing unprecedented opportunities for innovation as some fundamental structures of our economy shift. Corporate leaders rightfully worry their companies may not move quickly enough to take advantage. What to do?

Today’s leading innovators are departing from traditional approaches to M&A and R&D in favor of programmatic engagement of startups as a more reliable path to corporate innovation. Along the way, they’re unlocking tangible results and building antifragility - the ability to thrive through crises.

You can do the same. Join us for this special webinar to learn:

  • What has changed: why corporate innovation is getting harder
  • When to leverage the scale of the enterprise or the speed of startups
  • Practical steps you can take to build real optionality through engagement with startups

Registration will be limited to ensure our speaker can answer questions and engage in discussion with our participants. Save your seat today.

Meet Our Speaker

Elliott Parker serves as CEO of High Alpha Innovation and partners with leading corporations to build venture studios and startups that drive systematic, tangible, and rapid innovation.

Elliott has advised dozens of organizations on innovation strategy around the world. As a founder, investor, and advisor, he has launched numerous startups and brought new ideas to market. He’s a firm believer that the success most corporations achieve over the next decade will be determined by the quality of their engagement with startups and the speed at which they learn.

This webinar is presented as a partnership between GAN and GSSN, two highly curated communities of more than 150 top-tier startup studios, accelerators, and investors around the world, and High Alpha Innovation, the corporate innovation arm of one of our leading startup studios, High Alpha.

About High Alpha Innovation

High Alpha Innovation helps large organizations produce tangible innovation through startup creation. They help partners quickly generate strategic and financial value by generating, validating, and launching new ideas through High Alpha's Sprint Week process.

About GAN

GAN is a highly curated community of accelerators, corporate partners, and investors all over the world. We connect the world’s leading innovators so that startups can create and grow their businesses, wherever they call home.

About GSSN

GSSN is a highly curated community of the world's venture studios, startup studios, company builders, and venture builders. GSSN exists to give startups the power to create and grow powerful businesses and make a meaningful impact, wherever they call home.

Organized by

GAN is a highly-curated community of independent accelerators, partners, and investors. We create opportunities around the world for startups to access the human and financial capital they need.

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