In Her Journey: Embracing Your Power in Singleness

In Her Journey: Embracing Your Power in Singleness

Join us as we celebrate the beauty of singleness and support each other on this journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and empowerment!

By Ashley Levin Coaching



Calistoga Calistoga, CA 94515

About this event

Welcome to a transformative and empowering space specifically designed for women navigating the terrain of single life. Whether you're happily single or navigating the ups and downs, this event is for you! Here, being single isn't about waiting for the 'right one,' but about becoming the right one – for yourself.

Ever felt like you're always the odd one out, especially when it comes to love? Like, every time you meet someone, it never works out, and you're left wondering, "What's wrong with me?" We understand. You're not alone in feeling this way.

"In Her Journey" gets how tough it can be to find your own way in a world where it feels like everyone is paired up. We know all about those nagging doubts, the way we all sometimes look longingly at happy couples, and the inner voice asking, "When's it gonna be my time?" We understand it takes a lot of courage to keep smiling when you're feeling lonely on the inside. Just remember, our community is here for you, ready to support and stand by your side.

Join us in embracing your singleness not as a phase of waiting but as a period of significant growth and self-discovery. Together, we'll navigate the terrain of singleness, transforming it into a journey of empowerment and self-fulfillment, all within a supportive and understanding community.

Our Engaging Sessions Include:

Reflection Circle: Our gatherings are centered on heartfelt reflections, providing a platform for individuals to share insights, breakthroughs, and experiences. This is a sacred space where vulnerability transforms into collective empowerment and wisdom.

Theme-Driven Exploration: We delve into meaningful discussions on topics ranging from navigating singleness in a coupled world, to overcoming self-doubt and building a fulfilling life on your own terms. We dive deep into discussions that matter to you.

Courageous Conversation: In this safe circle of trust, your shared experiences form the basis of our conversations. We unpack the struggles of being single, spotlighting the rewards and challenges. Each session advocating for self-love and moving towards fostering a joyous and confident single life.

Why Join "In Her Journey"?

  • Feel Understood: You're not alone in this. Find your tribe. Experience comfort in conversations and connections with people who get what you're going through.
  • Discover Joy: Learn how to find happiness in your current situation, creating a life you love, partner or not.
  • Empower Your Choices: Say 'no' to settling and 'yes' to honoring your worth in the choices you make. Here, we kick those "not good enough" thoughts and learn to celebrate what makes you, you.

Our Guiding Stars

  • Self-Love as the Root: Engage in practices that help foster deep, genuine self-love — the bedrock from which we draw meaningful experiences and connections.
  • Building Quality Connections: Forge relationships that are rooted in genuine appreciation for who you are. Together, we will create a network where every individual is celebrated for their unique qualities.
  • Living with Intention: Step into each day with purpose, knowing that you're worthy of all things splendid. From this intentional space, we draw to ourselves the life we not only desire but rightfully deserve.

Are You Ready to Embark on Your Journey?

Join us in our mission to redefine 'being enough', bridging the gap between singlehood and self-fulfillment. "In Her Journey: Embracing Your Power in Singleness" is more than a support group; it's a journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and the celebration of the most important person in your life - You.

Ashley Levin, a renowned expert in the realm of self-love and holistic living, brings her wealth of knowledge and experience as the facilitator of "In Her Journey". Her coaching business introduces a transformative approach shaped by her extensive 20-year experience as a trauma therapist and personal path towards self-acceptance. Fueled by her passion to assist single women in realizing their true essence, she created the "In Her Power" coaching program. Her insightful and compassionate approach guides women on their journey to unconditionally love and embrace themselves, helping them attain fulfillment through their inherent inner power.

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