HSMA Open Day 2023

HSMA Open Day 2023

A celebration of HSMA - with HSMA5 alumni showcasing their projects, taster sessions from the programme and a look at current PenCHORD work!


Date and time

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 · 1 - 8:30am PST



About this event

The Health Service Modelling Associates (HSMA) Programme is a 15 month programme that trains staff working in health, social care and policing organisations to develop their skills in operational modelling and data science, and supports them to apply these new skills to projects of importance for their organisation.

HSMA Open Day 2023 represents a celebration of the HSMA Programme, with a series of online presentations and activities spread across the day. Attendees will have a chance to hear about the project work (and associated impact) of the latest cohort of HSMAs from Round 5.

In addition, for those considering applying to the next round of the programme, more information about the programme and the application process will be provided, in addition to a series of workshops spread across the day offering mini "tasters" of HSMA training content and showcasing of the research work of the PenCHORD team.

Open Day Itinerary

P lease note that this event will be recorded and may be shared via HSMA/PenARC's social media, website and YouTube channel.

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