Homeschooling 101: For New Parents

Homeschooling 101: For New Parents

Homeschooling 101: Comprehensive Guide for New Parents

By Olivia L Baylor

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Homeschooling 101: For New Parents

Essential course for new parents. Learn legal requirements, curriculum selection, creating a learning environment, routines, socialization, and many more.

Welcome New Parents

Unlock endless possibilities for your child's education. Let's make homeschooling enriching and rewarding.

Understanding What is Homeschooling

Let's delve into the world of homeschooling and its significance.

Homeschooling Advantages and Popularity

It aims to provide an overview of advantages and insights for all homeschooling families, including personalized education and flexibility, while addressing its growing popularity.

Homeschooling Requirements and Legality

Provides an overview of the legal considerations, compliance measures, available resources, and guidance to create an action plan for ensuring legal compliance and a successful homeschooling experien...

Key Considerations

This section covers essential factors to consider when homeschooling, including legal requirements, curriculum selection, scheduling, socialization opportunities, and support networks, to help partic...

Involving Kids in Decision Making

This section focuses on empowering children by involving them in decision-making processes related to their education, fostering their engagement, autonomy, and ownership of the homeschooling experie...

Creating Conducive Learning Environment

Let's explores strategies and best practices for designing and cultivating supportive, engaging, and inclusive learning environments in homeschooling, promoting effective learning outcomes and studen...

Designing Dedicated Learning Space

This lesson provides guidance and practical tips for creating a dedicated learning space at home, optimizing the environment to enhance focus, organization, and productivity in homeschooling.

Balancing Curriculum and Leveraging Technology

It offers insights on effectively integrating technology into homeschooling while maintaining a balanced approach to curriculum, ensuring a comprehensive and engaging educational experience for stude...

Resources and Support

In this section, let's explores available educational resources, online platforms, and support networks that can enhance homeschooling journeys, providing participants with valuable tools and guidanc...

Homeschooling Philosophies and Approaches

In this last part of the lesson, let's explore available educational resources, online platforms, and support networks that can enhance homeschooling journeys, providing participants with valuable to...

About this event

Welcome to Homeschooling 101! Here, you'll discover invaluable insights, practical strategies, and resources for your homeschooling journey. Explore diverse approaches, select curriculum with confidence, and create a nurturing learning environment. Tailor education to your child's unique needs, interests, and style. Gain confidence in providing a quality education at home. Join a supportive community of homeschooling parents, sharing experiences and ideas. Unlock endless possibilities for your child's education. Let's make homeschooling enriching and rewarding.

Frequently asked questions

What is your refund policy?

The course is offered as a final sale, and once the purchase is made, refunds will not be provided.

What topics and subjects will be covered in the Homeschooling 101 course?

The Homeschooling 101 course covers a wide range of topics including legal requirements, curriculum selection, scheduling, creating conducive learning environments, involving kids in decision-making, leveraging technology, and accessing resources and support networks.

Is this course suitable for parents new to homeschooling or those with prior experience?

Yes, the course is designed to cater to both parents new to homeschooling and those with prior experience. It provides a comprehensive foundation for beginners while offering valuable insights and strategies for experienced homeschooling parents.

Are there any prerequisites or specific knowledge required to enroll in the course?

There are no specific prerequisites or prior knowledge required to enroll in the Homeschooling 101 course. It is designed to accommodate participants with various levels of familiarity with homeschooling.

After making a purchase on Eventbrite, how will I access the course?

You will receive an email welcoming you to the course program. It will provide instructions and a link to access the course. You may be required to use the individualized one-time password mentioned in the email to authenticate and gain access to the course materials on the ThriveCart platform.

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