HiveMind Mastermind for Women Entrepreneurs

HiveMind Mastermind for Women Entrepreneurs

Join us as we focus all of our collective time, energy, and attention on one woman's business to help her mastermind 3 relatable challenges.

By The Hive Wichita


The Hive Coworking & Coffee, N Broadway Ave, Wichita, KS, USA

200 North Broadway Avenue #110 Wichita, KS 67202

About this event

    HiveMind for Women Entrepreneurs

    We center around one Hive member (the Queen Bee) who presents her three biggest challenges. The collective brainpower of the group digs deep, offering fresh ideas, valuable feedback, and innovative strategies. Whether you're the one in the hot-seat or just a participant, you'll leave with actionable insights and a roadmap for success.

    Mini Masterminds follow this event. These partner discussions allow you to delve even deeper into specific topics that matter most to you.

    The connections you form and the insights you gain here extend far beyond the event itself. Forge lasting relationships with women who are as passionate about your success as you are.

    Located at 200 N Broadway Ave Ste. 110, Wichita, KS, USA, The Hive Coworking & Coffee provides a comfortable and inspiring space for women in business. So, come on down—your first time is free—while expanding your network and learning from other amazing women entrepreneurs.

    Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded women and gain valuable insights. Reserve your spot now at

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