Hinduism: The Greater Science - Answering All the Whys of Hinduism - NJ

Hinduism: The Greater Science - Answering All the Whys of Hinduism - NJ

A science that allows every individual to connect with the universe, experience the Divine, and realize their true potential and powers.

By Kailasa Los Angeles-Nithyanandeshwara Hindu Temple


Jersey City Zoom

Zoom Jersey City, NJ 07030

About this event

Hinduism is a greater science. It is a science that allows every individual to connect with the universe, experience the Divine, and realize their true potential and powers. Everything in Hinduism, from diet to social structure, is designed to support this purpose.

Welcome to Paramashivoham Level-1! Today's sessions are all about exploring the core foundations of Hinduism, the world's most ancient living civilization. Discover the founding principles of this enlightened tradition that has not just survived for thousands, but millions of years!

Read more at: https://events.kailaasa.org/paramashivoham_l3/

Don't postpone! Register now: https://ecitizen.info/psm

The 21-day Paramashivoham Level-1 Yoga & Meditation online program is a divine gift compassionately offered FREE by THE SUPREME PONTIFF OF HINDUISM (SPH), BHAGAVAN SRI NITHYANANDA PARAMASHIVAM.

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