Gound Zero by Slash VR

Gound Zero by Slash VR

location-based VR game, area-size, free-roaming, military-theme, PvP

By Slash VR

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Slash VR

12440 Exline Street El Monte, CA 91732

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About this event

Slash VR (formerly named MetaArms) is an innovative location-based VR gaming company that elevates traditional recreational venues into immersive, other-worldly experiences. We partner with established non-VR game venues, including airsoft, paintball, laser tag, go-karts, escape rooms, to offer them a transformative upgrade. Our unique approach merges the thrill of physical play with the boundless possibilities of virtual reality.

Come to California's leading airsoft venue Project N1 and try out our flagship PvP VR shooter game "Ground Zero"! You will be actually physically and constantly moving, while fighting against a real person in the thrilling VR world-- Perfect for dates, birthday parties and corporate events!

Frequently asked questions

Where can I park?

There 's plenty of onsite parking! The venue is a little hidden at the end of the road!

How many people can play this game?

Currently only two people can play at the same time (1 v 1), but our 3v3 version is coming up soon!

Organized by

Slash VR: an innovative location-based VR gaming company that elevates traditional recreational venues into immersive, other-worldly experiences.

$5 – $20