Getting Ready to Breastfeed

Getting Ready to Breastfeed

Getting Ready to Breastfeed workshop for Newham residents . Antenatal workshop for pregnant women and partner or supporter (from 28 weeks )

By Parent Education Team Newham University Hospital

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Getting ready to breastfeed, all that you need to know

About this event

Getting Ready to Breastfeed workshop facilitated by an IBCLC

For Newham residents: E6; E7; E12; E13; E15; E16; E20; IG11; RM9; Limited spaces.

If you cannot attend please cancel your ticket so someone else can join. Do you live in around Newham? Are you expecting a baby?

Women’s bodies are designed for pregnancy and they are also designed for breastfeeding. Breastfeeding it is natural, but it is also a skill that needs to be learnt by you and your baby . Our class covers all you need to know to get breastfeeding off to a good start. Whether this is your first baby or your fourth, this class is suitable for all parents who are keen to learn more.

This workshop is full of helpful information and advice on breastfeeding and it is all evidence-based.

From 28 weeks of pregnancy, book your 2 hour, interactive, baby feeding workshop on Zoom; attend with your partner, or another supporter; meet other parents and learn:

  • how breastfeeding works
  • what's so good about breastfeeding
  • why skin to skin contact helps your baby - & you too!
  • when to feed your baby
  • how to tell baby is getting enough milk
  • where to get help and support
  • how to protect your milk supply if mixed feeding
  • when to start weaning baby onto solid foods
  • how to feed your baby out and about

To get the most out of your workshop, please watch the 3 videos below, before you attend.

Before the workshop you will get an email with the link to join us by Microsoft Teams.

Please check your emails and spam folders.

We look forward to meeting you soon :)


You will receive an email with Microsoft teams link a couple of hours before the workshop.

This class is not via Evenbrite website.

The course aims to be an interactive space for you to ask questions and actively participate.

Frequently asked questions

Please note that this event is by MS Team

Wait for the link to be sent to your email address, and click on it.