Gentle Journey: Expert Guidance for  Pet Parents

Gentle Journey: Expert Guidance for Pet Parents

Weekly Zoom for pet parents facing the challenges of their pet's golden years, offering guidance, comfort, and community.

By Dr. Christina (Guttuso), DVM

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About this event

The "Gentle Journey Pet Parents Weekly Support Group" is a compassionate and supportive Zoom gathering designed to assist pet parents during the challenges of their beloved pets’ golden years.

The primary goal of this group is to help pet parents make informed, responsible decisions about comfort care and treatment options to reduce the time and intensity of pet suffering.

Participants welcome in the Gentle Journey group include:

· Pet parents exploring various treatment options for their aging or ill companions.

· Those who are currently providing comfort care to their pets.

· Individuals considering euthanasia for their pets and seeking expert guidance from Dr. Christina

This is a safe space for pet parents to explore their options in a supportive environment.

Organized by

Dr. Christina (Guttuso) is a trailblazer on a heartfelt mission to revolutionize the end-of-life journey for pets, aiming to decrease the time and intensity pets suffer. Her approach is multifaceted, beginning with educating, empathizing with, and providing unwavering support to pet parents. But that's just the beginning. Dr. Christina empowers these caregivers to become fierce advocates for their beloved companions, guiding them to confidently communicate with veterinarians and champion their pets' needs.