Genealogy Club

Genealogy Club

Research your family history, collaborate with other club members, and learn about different genealogical resources

By Fredricksen Library

Select date and time

Tuesday, June 4 · 11am - 12pm EDT


Cleve J. Fredricksen Library

100 North 19th Street Camp Hill, PA 17011

About this event

Just starting your genealogy research and aren’t sure where to begin? Have you hit a roadblock in your research and need help? Or do you just want to learn about different genealogical resources? Then Genealogy Club is for you! During each session, we will spend time working on our individual research and have the opportunity to bounce our family history questions off of other club members. Occasionally, there will be themed meetings where we will discuss and try out different genealogical resources. You will need to bring a computer for each session to work on your research and to access the different resources.

Upcoming Meetings:

  • April 16th: Themed Meeting: Census records and city directories
  • May 7th: Regular meeting
  • June 4th: Themed Meeting: Maps and land records
  • July 16th: Regular meeting
  • August 20th: Themed Meeting: Church records

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