GEM Book Club: Growth, Empowerment and Meaningful Connections

GEM Book Club: Growth, Empowerment and Meaningful Connections

The place to discuss great thought-provoking books that grow the mind, empower and enlighten. Join us for the discussion and idea exchange!

By Farida Mukazhanova

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Starts on Saturday, July 20 · 8:30am PDT



About this event


Love books? Want to read and discuss awesome books and learn from and with like-minded people?

Then join our tribe of book lovers for an engaging, fun, intellectually stimulating and interactive discussion. We're here to learn, grow, broaden our horizons and connect with like-minded people.

Our book club runs monthly, online and is open to all.

Our mission is to inspire and empower people through meaningful connections, reading and discussion, as well as help grow intellectually and otherwise. All readers, thinkers and great human beings are welcome!

Feel free to check out our other events: Psychology Book Club and Documentary Discussion Group!


The summer read for the month of July deals with a hot topic: sex and sexuality. We're reading and discussing Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality by Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jethá. The book description reads:

"Sex at Dawn" by Christopher Ryan challenges the traditional understanding of human sexuality and monogamy. Drawing on anthropology, evolutionary psychology, and scientific research, the book argues that humans are not naturally monogamous, and that our ideas about sex and relationships are shaped by culture rather than biology.

The book explores the sexual practices of our primate ancestors and prehistoric human societies to show that humans have a strong propensity for non-monogamous behaviors. Ryan and his co-author Cacilda Jethá discuss the mating habits of bonobos, our closest relatives, who engage in frequent sexual activities with multiple partners as a means to strengthen social bonds.

Sounds interesting. Even more so, as Sex at Dawn has attracted heavy criticism, including for misrepresenting the standard model of human sexuality from evolutionary biology and cherry-picking evidence. It's always interesting to consider books from all sides and particularly the ones that come under fire. There's even a counter-argument to Sex at Dawn that we suggest you read as well to form a balanced viewpoint concerning the role of polygamy in human evolution (Sex at Dusk: Lifting the Shiny Wrapping from Sex at Dawn by Lynn Saxon).

See you on 21 July, Sunday, 7:30 am PDT / 11:30 am EDT / 3:30 GMT / 5:30 pm CEST. We're looking forward to connecting with you and exchanging our opinions, insights, experience with and knowledge on the subject of the book and everything related. Join the discussion!

You can use this link to check your local time and add the event to your calendar:

Join us with your favorite beverage and bring a friend!


January: Mind OS: The Operating System of the Human Mind: How to Accomplish Your Mission in Life by Paul Dobransky (

March: Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity by Peter Attia ( Goodreads Choice Award

May: Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day by Jay Shetty.( Expose article by John McDermott, The Guardian (29 Feb 2024):

July: Sex at Dawn: The Prehistoric Origins of Modern Sexuality by Christopher Ryan, Cacilda Jethá ( Bonus read: Sex at Dusk: Lifting the Shiny Wrapping from Sex at Dawn by Lynn Saxon.(

September: Culture's Consequences. Comparing Values, Behaviors, Institutions and Organizations Across Nations by Geert Hofstede (



We are open to hearing your book suggestions and ideas!

Stay in touch and keep reading great books!

Make sure you check out the other two clubs we enjoy quite a lot - Docu Lovers Club: Discussing great documentaries and Psychology Lovers Book Club.

All book discussions and events are totally free and open to all. We appreciate any support and donations, as they help support the project and keep it open and free.

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