Fun & Interactive Business Networking Group!

Fun & Interactive Business Networking Group!

Boost your biz with BNI! World's top networking organization where giving referrals leads to gaining more business. Connect & grow with us!

By Ashley Ivey

Select date and time


I-CARE Inc. Office

19955 Highland Vista Drive Ste. 140 Ashburn, VA 20147


7:45 AM - 8:00 AM

Open Networking

Open networking is a dynamic pre-meeting period from 7:45 AM to 8:00 AM, designed for members and visitors to mingle, share business cards, and form initial connections. This casual yet focused time ...

8:00 AM - 8:10 AM

Welcome & Ice Breaker Engagement

From 8:00 AM to 8:10 AM, we dive into the special "Gifts and Giving Welcome," accompanied by our engaging icebreaker questions. Stepping into a room full of new faces can often be daunting, but our i...

8:10 AM - 9:20 AM

Heart Of The Meeting

Leadership Introduction: Begin with our leadership team, establishing a collaborative and supportive meeting atmosphere. Elevator Pitches: Members and visitors present concise introductions, sharing ...

9:20 AM - 9:30 AM

Testimonials, Referral Share & Closing Poem

Speaker Celebration & Visitor Thanks: Wrap up by acknowledging the keynote speaker's contribution and expressing gratitude towards all visiting attendees. Testimonial Sharing: Encourage members to sh...

About this event

Welcome to "Gifts and Giving," where we're not just a networking group—we're a lively community passionate about making connections that matter. Imagine walking into a space where your arrival is celebrated, your business is embraced, and your growth is everyone's victory. That's what we're all about. We've taken networking out of the traditional boardroom and turned it into an engaging, modern adventure.

Here, entrepreneurs, freelancers, and professionals across the spectrum come together to enrich their careers and personal lives. Our innovative online platform and community gatherings are the beating heart of our mission: to help you expand your network, share ideas, and forge lasting relationships in a way that feels authentic and fun. We're more than happy to welcome visitors because we're excited to learn about what you do and explore how we can support your business journey.

What Sets Us Apart?
Our secret ingredient is our spirit of celebration. Every guest is a reason for cheer, and our support for each other is unwavering. We believe that networking should be a joyful, interactive experience rooted in genuine connections. We're here to champion your business and enrich your networking experience with our unique approach.

Introducing P.E.T. Gifts
At the core of our community is the concept of P.E.T. Gifts—your Passion, Experience, Traits, and Talents. We dive deep into what makes you, you—beyond your business card. It's about discovering common ground, sharing our diverse lives, and building connections that are meaningful on multiple levels.

Rethinking Business Cards
We live by the philosophy that a business card without a genuine connection is just a piece of paper. Our gatherings focus on exploring each other's P.E.T. Gifts, creating a foundation of trust and appreciation. It's how we turn a simple exchange of contact details into the beginning of a significant relationship and a pathway to greater business opportunities.

The BNI Advantage
Joining BNI isn't just another professional commitment; it's a step towards substantial business growth within a positive and structured environment. Here's what our members enjoy:

  • Increased Business Prospects: Your network will grow, and so will your referral base.
  • Professional Development: Access exclusive training programs that hone your business and presentation skills.
  • Vibrant Networking Opportunities: Engage in weekly meetings that introduce you to a wealth of professionals eager to connect.
  • Exclusive Resources: Utilize tools and educational materials designed to elevate your networking and business acumen.

First Timer? Here's What to Know:

  • Come Prepared: Share about your business and discover how you can form mutually beneficial connections. Remember those business cards!
  • Experience Our Meetings: Attend twice to get a feel for the chapter's dynamics without the pressure to sell.
  • Unique Positioning: With BNI's policy of one representative per specialty, you become the go-to expert in your field within the chapter.
  • Dedication to Excellence: Our members are full-time professionals, ensuring depth of knowledge and quality in every interaction.

Dive into a networking experience where your business growth is celebrated, your professional development is prioritized, and your network expands in meaningful ways. Welcome to "Gifts and Giving" — where connections are celebrated, and every meeting is a step towards greater success.

Frequently asked questions

What time should I arrive?

That is a great question! The meeting starts at 8:00am, however we have 15 minutes of open networking before the meeting. 7:45am is a good time to arrive.

Do I need to pay to attend?

That is a great question! Visitors are free to attend 2 meetings per year. To enhance our ability to give quality referrals, we utilize the BNI membership platform.

As a visitor can I share about my business?

That is a great question! Certainly you can! We look forward to meeting you and learning more about your business and how we can refer clients to you.

What is BNI?

That is a great question! With over 299000 Members worldwide, Business Network International (BNI) is the world's largest business networking and business referral organization. Gifts and Giving is a forming BNI chapter in Ashburn, VA.

What are the benefits of BNI?

Join BNI® for quality referrals, expanding your personal sales team through trust. Grow your network with top service providers. Sharpen your speaking and presentation skills, enjoy a supportive professional community, and access comprehensive training. Leadership roles boost your profile.

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