Full Moon Yoga & Spirituality Jam

Full Moon Yoga & Spirituality Jam

A monthly gathering of open-hearted folks with yoga, breathwork, meditation, ecstatic dance, and other eclectic spiritual activities.

By Sam Sharkey


It Looks Like It's Open (ILLIO) Studio

13 East Tulane Road Columbus, OH 43202

Refund Policy

Refunds up to 7 days before event
Eventbrite's fee is nonrefundable.

About this event

Join us each month for an exploration of your ancient, connected, vibrant self through movement, breathwork, and meditation. If you're looking to refresh your spiritual practice, check in with yourself, share your most recent revelation, or integrate some mindful lessons from your brain into your body, this is the place!

The Full Moon Jam will be fascilitated by yoga teacher and spiritual coach Sam Sharkey, with the general schedule as follows:

7:00 Opening Circle
7:10 Meditation
7:15 Movement (Yoga Postures, Primal Movement, and/or Physical Therapy Exercises)
7:30 Breathwork
7:40 Movement, Ecstatic Dance, Other Offerings
8:15 Meditation
8:20 Closing Circle

This is a community space that encourages contributions by attendees and adjustment to the seasons, so the specific offerings and activites may change month-to-month. The timeline above is intended to be a guide rather than exact schedule. Attendees are encouraged to offer practices or activities as they see fit, either spur-of-the-moment or discussed in advance. Attendees are also welcome to simply attend and let others create activities and hold space.

Example Alternate Offerings:
- Seasonal Crafts
- Journal Prompts
- Self-Massage
- Tai Chi
- Group Energy Healing
- Chanting/Singing/Sound Healing
- Trancendental Meditation
- Expanded Pranayama (Breathwork)
- Tarot & Oracle Card Insights
- Any other self-inquiry and self-empowerment tools that you like or want to try!

All are welcome. No experience necessary for participation, just an open mind :) Join us for self-nurturance in this group container. Inner work is great alone, but ALSO great together!

Hope to see you this month or whenever you could use some exploration and nourishment.


This event is donation-based, with a suggested donation of $10. Donations are accepted via Eventbrite, in-person cash, or Venmo (sam-sharkey-2).

NOTAFLOF. All are welcome.
Bring a yoga mat or blanket (we have lots of extras if needed), a journal, and cozy layered clothes that allow for free movement.

This is a inclusive and trauma-informed space for you to explore and express yourself. We will make every effort to create safety and welcome for all attending.

Full Moon Jam Agreements
We are here to enrich ourselves with each other, holding this Jam as a safe space for all. We strive to create conditions for sanctuary, healing, and thriving with the following ever-evolving agreements:
- Acceptance of all religious/spiritual traditions, and celebration of Wisdom from all
- Attitude of Friendliness towards ourselves and other attendees
- Acknowledgment of the cycles of the Earth and their affect on all us lil' creatures
- We practice Consent, with no forced participation
- We do no harm to ourselves or others

All beliefs are welcome.

Organized by

This is a inclusive and trauma-informed space for you to explore and express yourself. We will make every effort to create safety and welcome for all attending.

Incense, candles, tea, snacks, and consensual supportive touch may all be a part of this experience. If you have sensitivities or allergies, please email sam.k. sharkey@gmail.com so that your needs can be honored.

Please reach out if finances are a hurdle to attendance.
