Friends Annual Membership and Scholarship Awards Dinner 2017

Friends Annual Membership and Scholarship Awards Dinner 2017

By Friends of the International Center

Date and time

Tuesday, May 16, 2017 · 6 - 9pm PDT


Student Services Center: Multipurpose Room

Corner of Rupertus Way and Myers Drive La Jolla, CA 92093

Refund Policy

Contact the organizer to request a refund.


We invite you to attend our Annual Membership Dinner (in a new location!) and enjoy an evening in the company of Friends members, UC San Diego Staff members, and our always inspiring scholarship recipients.

Dean Kirk Simmons will say a few words before we are treated to insightful comments about the importance of international education by our guest speaker, Ann Craig, Provost Emeritus of Eleanor Roosevelt College. We will hear from two former Friends scholarship recipients, one undergraduate and one graduate student, each sharing a bit about their academic experience and the meaning of their Friends scholarship. And, of course, we will have our scholarship presentation service.

The evening will begin at six o’clock with wine or lemonade in the courtyard. While the menu might change, we anticipate that dinner will begin with a corn bisque and hush puppie, followed by herb roasted chicken with a tarragon cream sauce accompanied by asparagus and creamy polenta, and a roll. A vegetarian option will be available if pre-reserved. Since we like surprises, you will have to attend to learn what awaits you for dessert, but it will be gold to fit the theme. Tea will be available at the end of the meal.

The cost for attending the annual dinner is just $20 per person; scholarship recipients attend as Friends, the International Center's, or the Foundation's guest.

Please be sure to check the box on the reservation form if you desire a vegetarian meal.


What are my transport/parking options getting to the event?

Nearby parking lcan be found at the Gilman Parking Structure (off of Russell Lane) and Parking Lot 411 on Myers Drive. Click here for more parking information.

Are reservations required? Is there a deadline?

Yes, reservations are required and must be made no later than May 8, 2017.

Who can attend the event?

Scholarship Recipients; Friends Members; invited UCSD Administrators/Staff and Donors. While we know that this is a special moment for our scholarship recipients, due to limited seating capacity we are unable to accommodate scholarship recipient's family members (spouse/partner, child, friend) and ask for your understanding.

Are there ID requirements or an age limit to enter the event?

You must have an ID showing you are over 21 to be served an alcoholic beverage.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Please contact:

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