Friday commUNITY Sunset Sound Bath

Friday commUNITY Sunset Sound Bath

Join us for a community sound healing session on Fridays lying down on the beach at the sunset.

By Sound Healing Hawaii


Sound Healing Hawaii

Ala Moana Park Dr. Honolulu, HI 96814

About this event

We offer the community a free and donation based sound healing session on Fridays during the sunset at Ala Moana Beach Park. Make it your weekend ritual to unwind and immerse yourself in the soothing vibrations of a sound bath!

To ensure you have the best experience, we kindly request that you arrive by 6:55pm for check-in and the session will commence approximately 10 minutes after the check-in time.

*Google Sound Healing Hawaii for location (on the beach across from the west end of the tennis courts at Ala Mona Beach Park). At the end of the session, you will see the fireworks of Hilton Hawaiian Villege from right where you'd be at the sound bath.

What is a Sound Bath?

A sound bath is a meditative experience that involves being bathed in sound waves produced by various instruments such as crystal singing bowls, chimes, tuning forks and other soothing instruments. The goal of a sound bath is to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and help you achieve a state of deep meditation.

During a sound bath session, you'll lie down on the beach and pay attention to the sound and feel its vibration delivered within you. The sound waves produced by the instruments are believed to create a deep sense of calm and relaxation, and help to quiet the mind.

Some people describe the experience as a journey through different soundscapes, as the various instruments create different sounds and vibrations that wash over you. Others report feeling a sense of floating or weightlessness, as the sound waves seem to envelop them.

If you're new to sound baths, it's important to keep an open mind and be willing to let go of any expectations or preconceptions you may have. Relax, breathe deeply, and allow yourself to fully immerse in the experience. Come join us and find out what it's all about!

What we recommend you bring

  • Towel or mat to lay down on the beach
  • Blanket to cover yourself in case of rain or cold weather
  • Eye mask or something to shade your eyes from the streetlight
  • Water to get hydrated
  • Optional to do Journal to reflect on yourself
  • Option to bring Crystals to charge

This is a FREE event for the community and donation-based. We appreciate your support by donating via Venmo @kaoriisomura or at the donation box that can be found at the event ❤️






• サウンドバスをお受けになる際は、十分に水分補給をなさる事をお勧め致します。常温・又は暖かいお水をご用意下さい。

• ビーチに横たわるために敷く物、日が暮れると肌寒くなるのでブランケットか上着、街灯がとても明るいので目を覆うアイマスク、必要に応じて枕など、ご自身がゆったりとくつろぐ為に必要なアイテムをお持ちになる事をお勧めします。万が一の急な雨にも対応出来るような物をお持ち下さい。

• ご所有のパワーストーンの浄化をご希望の際は、セッションの間クリスタルボウルの周りに置いて頂けますのでお持ち下さいませ。

皆様にご体験頂けますよう、無料のドネーション制となっております(当日現金にてお支払い頂けます) 皆様からの温かいご支援に感謝致します❤️ 質問がありましたらどうぞお気軽にご連絡下さい。

Frequently asked questions

Can I bring my children?

Absolutely! We welcome any age, gender, religion, and nationality. We would just ask you to be mindful when your child needs your attention and may ask you to go take care of it away from other attendees and come back.

Is it okay to bring my chair and sit down rather than lie down?

Yes, please make yourself comfortable anyway you'd prefer. We'll be happy if you don't block the view of the person right behind you though!

How can I pay my donation?

We appriciate for your support by Venmo @kaoriisomura or drop off cash on a jar at the event.

What if it rains?

We may cancel or change the location to a Yoga studio. We will email any changes to the people who signned up.

Organized by

Kaori is a sound healer, certified singing bowl sound healing practitioner, Ho’oponopono practitioner, and Usui Reiki Master (a member of IARP).

Her life has been aligned with a natural and holistic approach. She is a strong believer that much more to be discovered by the power of Sound Healing. She is eager to assist people who are seeking alternative healing as therapy and personal growth.